| Page
Memoranda from: |
World Renewable Energy Network
| 86 |
Fawley Aquatic Research Laboratories
| 86 |
Mr Ian Alexander | 90
Forward Scotland | 91
Mr Michael Jefferson |
92 |
Open University Energy and Environment Research Unit
| 93 |
Emeritus Professor Keith Clayton, University of East Anglia
| 97 |
Professor S Forbes Pearson
| 97 |
English Nature | 102
Tidal Electric Ltd |
105 |
Ofgem | 108
Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists
| 109 |
Fells Associates | 110
R V Power Company Ltd |
112 |
Thropton Energy Services
| 115 |
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
| 116 |
Institute of Biology |
118 |
Blue Energy Canada |
121 |
The Environment Trust |
125 |
Commission for Wave Power in Scotland
| 128 |
The Engineering Business Limited
| 135 |
Dr Stan Jones | 140
Sea Power International
| 140 |
Mr William Dick, Wavebob Limited
| 143 |
Seapower | 145
Natural Environment Research Council
| 148 |
The Royal Society of Edinburgh
| 150 |
European Commission |
152 |
Institution of Civil Engineers
| 153 |
International Energy Agency
| 154 |
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
| 158 |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
| 161 |
Marine Current Turbines
| 165 |
Ocean Power Delivery |
168 |
National Grid Company plc
| 170 |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 174 |