Select Committee on Social Security Minutes of Evidence

Annex M


April 2000—budget for 2000/01

  Gross Budget £596 million

  Increase of £60.8 million (11.3 per cent) over April 1999 allocation of £535.2 million

  The gross budget is made up of new money (Annually Managed Expenditure) of £138.2 million plus a forecast of loan recoveries during the year of £457.8 million.

Allocations 2000-01
  Community care grants £100 million
  Crisis and budgeting loans£494 million
  Contingency reserve£2 milion (held centrally)

Basis for the 2000/01 allocation to Districts

  Community Care Grants

    —  Community Care Grant budget was increased by £2 million to £100 million

    —  All Districts received an increase ranging between 1.2 per cent and 8 per cent

    —  Highest increases went to Districts able to meet the lowest level of demand

    —  Community Care Grants continue to support families with children, the disabled and others who may need a helping hand to live independently in the community


    —  Loans budget increased by £57.3 million over April 1999 allocation

    —  Increase allocated to Districts to further the long term aim of greater consistency of outcome for budgeting loan applicants wherever they live

    —  Highest increases were targeted on those Districts who would otherwise have been able to offer the lowest budgeting loan awards

  Contingency reserve

    —  Increased from £0.5 million to £2 million

    —  Increased to support Districts who may come under unexpected financial pressure

In-year allocation and re-allocation December 2000

    —  In year allocation of £30 million

    —  Re-distribution between Districts of £4 million

    —  The in-year allocation increased the 2000-01 loans budget from £494 million to £524 milion.

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Prepared 4 April 2001