Select Committee on Social Security Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 140 - 144)



  140. Whose benefit is this system for again?
  (Mr Edge) There is actually no evidence to show that when we appear at a Tribunal or we do not appear there is any difference in the decision. About 42 per cent are actually found in favour of the appellant whether we appear or not. There are some issues around that, whether we go for more complicated ones so, therefore, that might make a slight difference.

  141. Why is the Appeals Service writing to the Leggatt Committee about it then if there is no issue here?
  (Mr Edge) I did not say there was no issue. I said as far as the Appeals Service is concerned, I think they do take a view we should appear at every one but we have a Service Level Agreement with them about the cases we will attend.

  142. Does that have a percentage fixed to it?
  (Mr Edge) There is not a percentage fixed, no.

  143. I am worried about that, Mr Edge.
  (Mr Edge) Okay.

  144. I hope you will give that more thought.
  (Mr Edge) It is one of the issues we have on the agenda for that Committee and we will take that forward.

  Chairman: Fine. We kept you waiting, and I am sorry about that. This is work in progress for us. Again, as I said to you earlier on—I think the Committee would say differently if they thought differently—I think solid progress has been made. Certainly the visit we made reinforced that view. Thank you very much for your attendance this morning.

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Prepared 13 June 2001