Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Clerk of the Committee on Standards and Privileges from Mr Geoffrey Bindman, Bindman & Partners, Solicitors

I received yesterday the two file notes prepared by Mr Arthur Price-Jones of a meeting with Councillor Soulsby and a conversation with a police contact on 25 and 27 April 1994. These notes had not been previously supplied by Mrs Filkin presumably because she did not consider them relevant to Mr Vaz.

They both refer to planning proposals at Beaumont Leys and, I understand, having nothing to do with the allegation which Councillor Soulsby has made or reported against Mr Vaz. It appears that the allegation now revived nearly seven years later by Sir Peter Soulsby against Mr Vaz is thus not the only unsubstantiated allegation which he was making at the same time some 3 days before the election at which his leadership of the Leicester City Council was to be challenged. The Committee may wish to ask him about this.

6 February 2001

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Prepared 16 March 2001