Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to Mr Jaffer Kapasi OBE DL MKD from the Clerk of the Committee on Standards and Privileges

The Committee has asked me to thank you for giving evidence before it yesterday. I am sending under separate cover a transcript of your evidence for correction.

You told the Committee that in 1994 or 1995 you and other representatives of community groups had signed a letter to Mr Vaz asking him not to get involved in the local politics of the City Council, but that you had been unable to find a copy of the letter in your files. The Committee would nonetheless like to see the letter if at all possible. I wonder therefore whether you could obtain a copy from one of the other signatories, or alternatively whether you could tell me who they were so that I could write to them directly.

You kindly indicated that you were willing to make your financial records (the detailed accounts and all the underlying records) available for inspection by the Commissioner, and that the Dawoodi community (subject to the consent of the President) would be prepared to do the same. I would be grateful if you could take the necessary steps as soon as possible to secure the Dawoodi community's consent, and let me know when this has been forthcoming. I will then ask the Commissioner to get in touch with you directly to make the necessary arrangements for an inspection.

31 January 2001

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Prepared 16 March 2001