Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Clerk of the Committee on Standards and Privileges    from Mr Mark Stephens, Finers Stephens Innocent, Solicitors


Thank you for your letter of 12 February.

When you make your report to the committee I would be grateful if you would make it clear by placing a copy of this letter before them that Mr Kapasi is and stands ready willing and able to have his accounts audited by an independent accountant whose report can then be made available to both the committee and Mr Kapasi. This point was made clear in my (Stephens/Filkin) conversation with the Commissioner who indicated that she did not have any problem as to who conducted the enquiry, merely that it was done and would report Mr Kapasi's position. To that extent at least Mr Kapasi and the Commissioner are ad idem. This point was also reiterated in my letter to you of 8 February.

It therefore seems accurate but not a complete answer to say as you do that: "I note that Mr Kapasi is not at present willing to make his books and records available to The Commissioner" (my emphasis).

12 February 2001

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