Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 69

Letter to Mr John W Thomas from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  I am engaged on an enquiry into allegations that Mr Vaz failed to make the appropriate Register entries in the Register of Members' Interests in the House of Commons. I am writing to you to request your assistance.

  I have been informed that at one time you lived in a house at 146 Uppingham Road, Leicester, which was owned at the time by Mr Vaz.

  Please would you let me know:

    1.  Whether this information is correct and, if so, the dates when you lived in the property.

    2.  Whether you paid rent to Mr Vaz and, if so, its level.

    3.  Whether there were or are other tenants in the property and, if so, provide me with names and current addresses of those tenants.

  I would be grateful if you would also explain, as context, the ownership histories of 144 and 146 Uppingham Road.

  If you would prefer to answer my questions by telephone please do not hesitate to ring me.

  May I thank you in advance for your help.

24 May 2000

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