Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 70

Letter to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards from Mr John W Thomas

  Thank you for your letter which I received this morning and our further telephone conversation which I found very helpful.

  I will answer your questions in the order that they appear on your letter.

  (1)  I have never lived at 146 Uppingham Road Leicester. As far as I am aware the only person to actually live there was Mustafa Kamal in a period pre 1991. Keith Vaz MP kindly offered the ground floor front room to the CLP as an office to conduct the day to day business of the CLP which was gratefully accepted. I as the Constituency Secretary manned that office each weekday morning from 9.30am to 1pm between 1994 to 1996. During this period my wife suffered a major stroke, she is now wheelchair bound, and eventually I had to move the CLP office to the small bedroom at my home as the above letter head indicates.

  (2)  Neither I or the CLP has ever paid rent to Keith Vaz MP, the offer of the ground floor front room was made by Mr Vaz in the interest of the good organisation of the Leicester East Constituency Labour Party, and was completely free of charge. Many other Labour MPs do the same thing.

  (3)  I know of no other tenants or occupants of 146 Uppingham Road apart from Mr Kamal whose address I understand you already have and Mr Vaz after his marriage to his wife Maria.

  Mr Vaz is the owner of both 144 and 146 Uppingham Road: one is his office and the other is where he lives. Neither property is owned by the Labour Party. If you need any further information regarding these properties you will need to address your enquiries to him.

  I hope that I have covered all the questions that your letter asks and that I have answered them fully. If further clarification is needed please call me on the above number.

  As you have requested, please find enclosed the letter from M Kamal to yourself which I received through the post.

  I wish you a speedy conclusion to your enquiry's which I await with interest.

25 May 2000

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