Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 76

Letter to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards from Mr John W Thomas

  I am sorry that it has taken some time for me to reply to your letter of 19 September.

  Thank you for confirming that you are not, and indeed cannot investigate the Labour Party or myself. In view of what you have said in your letter I am somewhat puzzled by your questions to me, which do seem to relate to my conduct.

  However I respond as Follows;

    (1)  The issue of appeals for funds is a Party matter. Officers of the Labour Party act on behalf of the party not as individuals. Fundraising is a Party activity, all political parties fundraise. I have not personally, in my term of office, asked any Councillors to make contributions.

    (2) & (3)  In view of the above, these are not applicable.

  I hope that my response will help you conclude this part of your investigation. If I can be of further assistance please contact me again.

19 October 2000

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