Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 81

Letter to Mr Gerald Shamash, Steel & Shamash, Solicitors from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  Thank you for your clear and helpful letter of 30 November 2000 and perhaps you would pass on my thanks also to Mr Thomas for his offer of further assistance.

  I would also be grateful if he would let me know the following:

    (i)  The name of the account into which the donations from Mr Attwal were paid. The date and the amount of those donations.

    (ii)  The name of the account into which Councillor Mustafa Kamal paid £16 initially, later £8 by monthly standing order, and copies of the bank statements which related to those accounts. (Mr Kamal's bank, Lloyds TSB has confirmed that such a standing order in favour of the Labour Party operated between October 1988 and January 1990).

  May I thank you and Mr Thomas again for your help on these matters.

30 November 2000

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