Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 8

Letter to Mr Paul Gosling from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  You kindly wrote to me on 29 February to bring to my attention some information which you felt might assist my enquiry into allegations about Mr Keith Vaz. I am writing to you for further assistance.

Control Securities Ltd

  I attach a copy of a letter from Mr Qayyum of the BCCI Campaign Committee which Mr Vaz has sent me. I would be grateful to receive any further comments you wish to make on this matter.

Labour Party finances

  I understand that over a period you had responsibilities for some of the accounts in Leicester East Constituency and that on at least one occasion you refused to certify accounts as correct. I have also been informed that over some years some members of the Labour Party were asked by Mr Vaz to make donations to him for the Party and that some donations, which donors believed were for the Party, were used by Mr Vaz for other purposes. I wish to establish whether or not these allegations are true and wonder if you can provide me with any information which in any way relates to these issues, or let me know who might have such information.

  Perhaps you would also let me know during which periods you held which roles in relation to the Labour Party finances in Leicester and over which period you were a councillor.

  If you would prefer to telephone me in the first instance, please do not hesitate to do so.

24 May 2000

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Prepared 16 March 2001