Annex 120
Letter to Mr Arthur Price-Jones from the
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
You maybe aware from newspaper reports that
I am currently investigating allegations that as a Member of Parliament
Mr Keith Vaz failed to register payments which were made to him
and that in other respects he has not upheld the Code of Conduct
for Members of Parliament.
At my request, I have been provided by Leicester
City Council with a copy of the letter which Sir Peter Soulsby
wrote to you as Leader of the Council on 22 April 1994 (copy attached).
The Chief Executive advises me that you would be the person most
likely to know whether action to investigate or deal with this
matter was taken on receipt of this information.
I would be grateful to have your account of
these events and any other information you have which may help
my investigation. For example, did you discuss this letter with
anybody? Was any action taken to establish the accuracy of the
allegations? Do you know of any other instance when it was alleged
that Mr Vaz asked for or received payments?
You may prefer to talk to me on the telephone
in the first instance and if so perhaps you would telephone me.
May I thank you in advance for your help.
12 April 2000