Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 140A

Letter to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards from Finers Stephens Innocent, Solicitors

  You are aware that we are advising Mr Jaffer Kapasi in relation to your current investigation.

  Our client is concerned that this matter is being aired in the media and that he is being repeatedly contacted by the press concerning your investigation. Indeed, your investigation appears to have had not inconsiderable publicity to date, as is evidenced by the copy articles attached.

  Our client was told that Sir Peter Soulsby met with the journalist, David Leppard in a pub in the King's Street in Leicester just before the article came out. Naturally, our client is concerned that this matter be dealt with through the proper channels, and not through the media.

  It is our view and that of Mr Kapasi, that this matter is best not pre-judged in the media. We should be grateful if you would advise us whether you or your office have spoken to representatives of the media concerning our client and whether you have given any advice to any other party, regarding the media profile of this matter.

9 June 2000

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