Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 164

Letter to Mr Bakshish S Attwal MBE, B S Attwall & Co Ltd, from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  You kindly responded to enquiries from me in letters of 20 March and 2 June. I am afraid I need to bother you with a further question.

  You have provided evidence of a donation to the Labour Party made on 31 December 1992 with the cheque stub bearing the name K Vaz.

  1.  Is this the only occasion on which you have made any payment to the Labour Party?

  2.  Did Mr Vaz receive this cheque personally from you?

  3.  If you made other donations please specify dates, amounts, whether they were cash or cheques and who received them from you. Please provide any supporting documentation.

  4.  Did Mr John Thomas ever receive a payment from you? If so, was it in cheque or cash? Please give date and if available any supporting documentation.

  Please let me have any other information which relates to these matters which may help my enquiry.

28 June 2000

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