Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 180

Letter to Mr Mustafa Abdulali, Treasurer, Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat, from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  You may be aware that I am currently investigating allegations that Mr Keith Vaz failed to enter, in the register of interests of Members of Parliament, donations and other payments which have been made to him as a Member of Parliament.

  During my enquiry I have been provided with information from a taped interview with Mr J Kapasi by the Sunday Times in which he says that your organisation provided Mr Vaz with donations.

  I am writing to you to ask you to provide me with the facts and would be grateful if you would answer the following questions. If you would prefer to discuss the matter please would you telephone me on the above number.

  1.  Has Dawoodi ever made out a cheque or provided cash to Mr Vaz? If so, please provide me with details of the date, amount and supporting documentation.

  2.  Has your organisation or any person connected with the organisation ever made any payment or donation to Mr Vaz, or to anyone connected with Mr Vaz and/or Mrs Vaz senior? If so, please provide details of date, whether it was cash or cheque and the purpose of the payment.

  3.  Has your organisation, or anyone connected in any way with your organisation, made any payment or donation at any time, to any person, in respect of land acquisition at discounted prices or planning requirements in connection with religious building at a site in Hamilton? If so, please provide details.

  4.  I have been provided with information that Dawoodi provided Mr Vaz with a cheque in relation to this site. I would be grateful if you would let me know whether this is true. If it is true, please would you send me a copy of the cheque stub or accounts detailing this payment.

  5.  If you have any other information which may shed light on this matter, please would you let me have it or if you believe another person connected with your organisation might be able to help me, please would you provide their name, address and telephone number.

  I am hoping to bring this enquiry to a conclusion shortly so a reply by return, if possible, would be most helpful.

  May I thank you in advance for your help.

29 June 2000

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