Annex 7
Letter to Councillor Piara Singh Clair
from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
Thank you for your letter of 10 January 2001 and
the information you have provided.
As you are aware, I am conducting a parliamentary
enquiry and must therefore request you to reconsider your statement
at point 7. The House of Commons has conferred upon the Committee
on Standards and Privileges by Standing Order the power to send
for persons, papers and records, and the Committee reserves the
right to use those powers in furtherance of its own inquiries
or the Commissioner's if it should prove necessary to do so.
I would be grateful if you would let me have the
accounts as requested by return to enable me to check information
which I have been given during this enquiry.
May I thank you in advance for your assistance. I
am sending this letter to your new home address which my office
has checked with Members' Services, but to ensure it reaches you
speedily I have copied it to the address at the Council which
you gave on your letter.
12 January 2001