Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 8

Letter to Ms Maria Fernandes from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards


You will be aware that I have been investigating complaints that Mr Keith Vaz MP failed to enter in the Parliamentary Register of Members' Interests some benefits and income that he has received.

During the course of the investigation I have needed to check information concerning the company which he established, Mapesbury Communications. I had anticipated that Mr Vaz would have been able to provide the information I need, but he tells me that I should obtain such information from the officers of the company, that you are both the sole shareholder and a director and that the address of the register of members of the company is the house you jointly own with Mr Vaz. I am sorry that I therefore need to trouble you for the information on these matters.

Please would you let me have the answers to the following questions relating to Mapesbury Communications so that I may verify certain information and provide a complete and accurate picture to the Standards and Privileges Committee.

1.What was the purpose of the company when it was established and has the purpose changed in any way since that date?
2.I understand that money related to Mr Vaz's calendars was processed through the company. Please would you provide me with extracts from the audited records which show these transactions, including details of who provided those contributions and the payments made from them.
3.Please would you also provide copies of records which show any other transactions which relate to Mr Vaz in any way. For example, contributions towards costs or payments relating to the publication of material, payments for public relations activities and earnings from Mr Vaz's activities in any form etc.
4.I understand that the company has various assets. Please would you let me know whether Mr Vaz has benefited in any way from those assets or the use of those assets. Please provide me with a list of any such assets.
5.It may be that some of the material published by the company includes Mr Vaz's name, if so please would you list such publications and provide me with details.
6.Please would you provide me with copies of the full audited accounts for each of the years the company has been in operation with the underlying records which show all the payments into and out of the company, since it was set up.

I am sorry to bother you for this information, but may I thank you in advance for your help.

10 January 2001

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