Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 4

Letter to Mr Gerald Shamash, Steel & Shamash, Solicitors, from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

Thank you for your letter of the 9th January 2001 in reply to mine of the 30th November 2000.

I require information concerning all the donations made by Mr Attwal from 1987 to date, as Mr Attwal mentions 4 or 5 donations. The specific dates I can provide are the 31st December 1992, transferred into the payees account on the 8th January 1993 and the 9th January 1995.

The payments from Councillor Kamal were from the 28th October 1988 until January 1990. If Mr Thomas is unable to provide answers to this question I would be grateful if he could tell me who would have the financial records for that period so that I may obtain confirmation.

I would be grateful for a reply as soon as possible from Mr Thomas.

9 January 2001

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