Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Attachment B

Mr Keith Vaz MP's entry in the Register of Members' Interests as at 31 January 1995


2.  Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

  Barrister (no remuneration received).

4.  Sponsorship or financial or material support

  Sponsorship as a parliamentary candidate and Member of Parliament by UNISON (formerly NUPE) who pay £600 pa to Leicester East Constituency Labour Party.

  Sponsorship by British Psychological Society.

  Donation from UNISON to help with the cost of the City 2020 inquiry.

  Income received from Annual Calendars used to pay for staff and publications to further community political involvement and information including work on the Race Relations (Remedies) Act 1994 and Report on ethnic involvement on Quangos.

  Computer equipment donated by the Caparo Group.

  Donation to office costs by Mr M Mhadvani and Mr D Popat for research assistance and publication costs (including "Capital Con"; "Sinking Our Cities"; "Out of Town Out of Pocket").

  Reimbursed staff costs by urban policy conference, no payment made to me.

  Donation from TGWU; UNISON; GMB for publication "195 Acts".

5.  Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  September 1994, Air UK provided me with two free return tickets for myself and my research assistant to visit Rotterdam. I paid for accommodation and all other expenses.

6.  Overseas visits

  23-27 April 1994, to Bangladesh. Travel and accommodation for myself and spouse provided by Mr Amin Ali, the promoter of the Festival of Bangladesh.

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