Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Attachment E

Print out of Mr Vaz's Register entry for 1993


2.  Remuneration employment, office, profession, etc


4.  Sponsorship or financial or material support

  Sponsorship by NUPE (no money paid direct to me. £600 pa paid to my constituency Labour Party).

  Sponsorship by British Psychological Society.

5.  Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

  Donation from Control Securities Plc in 1991 towards the costs of producing a Report and Bulletin for the Asian Community into the work of the Immigration and Nationality Department.

  Membership of the St James Court Hotel Health Club, as a gift from the Club.

6.  Overseas Visits

  July 1992, to the Isle of Man to attend the first meeting of BCCI creditors, flight paid for by myself, no accommodation required.

  July 1992, to Paris for the Second Global Convention on People of Indian Origin, flight and accommodation paid for by myself.

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