Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Third Report

Annex 47

Letter to Mr Geoffrey Bindman, Bindman & Partners, Solicitors, from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

  I am sorry to have to add further questions to those in my letters of 3 and 12 October but in the process of preparing my report I find I do need to clarify some other facts with Mr Vaz.


  1.  Please would Mr Vaz check the following information concerning his property and either confirm that my understanding is correct or provide me with corrections.

    (a)  Mr Vaz owns 144 Uppingham Road, which he uses as his office.

    (b)  Mr Vaz owns 146 Uppingham Road, which is his residence.

    (c)  Mr Vaz has never had any paying tenants in either property although he allowed Councillor Kamal to live temporarily at 146 for 5 months prior to 1991.

    (d)  Mr Thomas has never lived at either property.

    (e)  Mr Vaz allowed a ground floor room at 146 to be used as a constituency office, rent free for the years 1994-1996.

  2.  Please would Mr Vaz let me know the dates on which he purchased 144 and 146 Uppingham Road.

  3.  For the sake of completeness, would Mr Vaz also give me details of any other properties he owns, their purpose and the date of purchase.

  4.  Have any of the funds raised in the constituency for premises been used, at any time, for the purchase or maintenance of either 144 or 146 Uppingham Road?


  Mr Vaz replied to my enquiries about this company in his letter of 17 July 2000. He said, "After the calendar project was abandoned the company continued to trade with new officers and its own activities." I note from Mr Vaz's letter of 19 January 1996 to my predecessor that he said he had set up the company with the purpose of supporting his work with the Asian community. He said that at that time the directors were his wife and his mother-in-law.

  5.  On what date did Mr Vaz cease to be involved in any way with Mapesbury Communications?

  6.  During the period 1996 to date were any payments paid from this company to support Mr Vaz's work as a Member of Parliament in the manner described to my predecessor? If so, please give details.

  7.  At what date did Mrs Vaz and Mr Vaz's mother-in-law cease to be directors of the company?

  8.  Am I correct in understanding that although Mr Vaz set up this company he was never a shareholder in this company?

  I look forward to receiving Mr Vaz's reply to these questions, along with his replies on the other matters which are outstanding.

19 October 2000

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