Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Fourth Report

Annex F

Letter to the Rt Hon William Hague MP from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

I have received today a letter of complaint from Ms Kathy Lewis and attach a copy for your information.

As far as I am aware, you made the register entry about the Charitable Trust on 21 January 1999 and your office has recently corresponded with the Registrar to amend the entry in order to reflect the current situation. As I understand it, you have reverted to your original practice of requesting any fees for speeches to be paid direct to charities or good causes of your choice.

So that I may decide whether this matter requires investigation, I would be grateful if you would confirm my understanding of the above and provide me with some further information.

In particular, please would you let me have the following details:

1.  A list of speeches you have made, where you have received fees, from January 1999 to date.

2.  Against each speech, please would you list who provided the fee, to whom the fee was paid and the amount paid.

3.  Where the fee was paid directly to a charity or good cause without passing through your office, please give the name and details of those receiving the fee.

4.  For the sake of completeness, please would you confirm whether the Trust was ever established and, if so, on what date?

5.  If your answer to 4 is yes, the date at which you ceased depositing your fees in the Trust.

6.  The date it became clear that the Trust would not handle fees from your speeches.

Please let me have any other information which you feel would give me an accurate picture of the events, including any correspondence which is relevant, particularly any which refers to the decision not to use the Trust for your fees.

If you would prefer to discuss these matters in the first instance, perhaps your office would contact mine to make the arrangements.

9 February 2001

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