Select Committee on Standards and Privileges Sixth Report

Annex D

Letter to Mr Roy Beggs MP

from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

I have received a letter of complaint from Councillor Anderson and attach a copy for your information.

Some of the matters Councillor Anderson raises, are not within my remit, but those which may indicate a possible breach of the Code of Conduct or Rules are ones which I must consider. Councillor Anderson informs me that he will be sending me further information and if he does so, I will copy it to you.

So that I may decide whether I should investigate these matters, please would you let me know the following:

1.  Whether you own the site at Ballyrickard Road, Larne.

2.  If so, the date on which it was acquired.

3.  Whether you are receiving or expect to receive income from this site.

4.  Whether you are aware of any interests you hold which require registration.

You may wish to provide me with other information relating to the issues raised by Councillor Anderson and to discuss these matters with me in the first instance and, if so, perhaps you would contact my office to arrange a convenient time.

12 February 2001

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