Reliability of Statistics
13. The reliability of the Government's statistical
output is an important issue which can have ramifications on policy-making
throughout Whitehall and beyond, as our 1998 Report showed in
relation to problems with the reliability of the average earnings
Sir John Kingman told us that one of the Statistics Commission's
first decisions had been to tell "the National Statistician
that we would like to discuss with him and his colleagues ways
in which the statistical output from ONS and National Statistics
at large can be accompanied by indications of reliability and
He said that "the sort of 'health warning' [that should accompany
National Statistics] will depend on the sort of output and that
is something we shall want to discuss".[41]
It is promising that the Statistics Commission has paid early
attention to the reliability of National Statistics and we look
forward to the development of clear, consistent guidance for users
on this issue.
14. Prior to both of our evidence sessions on National
Statistics in 2000 we received written memoranda from the Greater
Manchester Low Pay Unit drawing attention to apparent deficiencies
with job vacancy, and other labour market, statistics. The Greater
Manchester Low Pay Unit was particularly concerned with discrepancies
between the number of vacancies advertised in job centres and
the figures published for total job vacancies in the region. The
ONS multiplies the number of vacancies advertised in job centres
by three in order to estimate the total number of vacancies in
the economy, a measure which the Treasury said "despite well-known
limitations and incomplete coverage ... still provides a useful
measure for analysis".[42]
The multiplication factor of three is derived from occasional
employers' surveys and, according to Mr Goldsmith, of the ONS,
"a little bit of thumb in the air". Mr Goldsmith went
on to assure us that "appropriate health warnings" are
attached to job vacancy statistics whenever conclusions are drawn
from them.[43]
15. In February 2000, the Treasury produced a policy
paper entitled "The Goal of Full Employment: Employment Opportunity
for all Throughout Britain", which included a discussion
of the level of job vacancies and trends in the ratio between
job vacancies and unemployment. The document did not contain any
information about the reliability of job vacancy statistics, although
the Treasury later told us that "it has been assumed that
it would be clear that the estimate of 'around one million' vacancies
is only broadly indicative".[44]
16. Since we began exploring the reliability of job
vacancy statistics, the ONS has reconsidered its method of estimation.
In a footnote submitted to the oral evidence we took in November
2000, the ONS said that it regarded the multiplication factor
of three as "insufficiently robust for ONS to incorporate
into an adjustment procedure for its published vacancy data"
and that "a new survey approach, designed to estimate the
number of vacancies in total directly" is being developed.[45]
The ONS has also recently declined to provide data on the unemployment
to vacancies ratio in different parts of the United Kingdom, on
the grounds that the ratio between vacancies notified to job centres
and total vacancies could vary across the country, even though
such figures were published by the Treasury in February 2000 and
were the basis for its conclusion that recently "every region
in Britain has seen sharply falling unemployment and rising levels
of vacancies".[46]
The ONS's reassessment of the reliability and use made of job
vacancy statistics is a positive indication of the impact of the
new arrangements for National Statistics. We recommend that the
Statistics Commission, in its work on the reliability of National
Statistics, pays close attention to labour market statistics.
17. When the Minister and her officials appeared
before us in March 2000, we asked her about the improvements made
to the average earnings index (AEI) to improve its reliability.
Mr Grice, of HM Treasury, told us that the improvements to the
AEI would take "a period of months to implement" and
that he could not describe the series as "absolutely right".[47]
The Minister, however, said that she was "certainly confident
about the quality of the AEI".[48]
It was reported in December 2000 that the National Statistician
had described the AEI as methodologically sound but possibly "irrelevant
in a new policy context" because of recent changes in the
pattern of economic activity.[49]
We recommend that, in reply to this Report, the Government
publishes in full its thinking on the future development of average
earnings data.
ONS Resources
18. Table 1 shows the future expenditure plans of
the ONS, following the completion of the 2000 Spending Review.
Table 1: ONS Expenditure Plans 2000-04
| 2000-01
| 2001-02
| 2002-03
| 2003-04
Cash terms (£m) |
136 | 186
| 139 |
126 |
Cash terms, excluding census (£m)
| 91 |
97 | 123
| 120 |
Real terms (£m)[50]
| 136 |
181 | 132
| 117 |
Real terms, excluding census (£m)
| 91 |
95 | 117
| 111 |
Real growth (%) | -
| +33.1 |
-27.1 | -11.4
Real growth, excluding census (%)
| - |
+4.4 | +23.2
| -5.1 |
At first glance, the ONS's spending review settlement
would appear to be disappointing, with planned expenditure in
2003-04 lower than in 2000-01. Taking this point up, the Statistics
Users' Council warned us that "the change from 'official'
to 'national' statistics, if it is to have any real meaning, will
require extra expenditure" and we probed reports that the
ONS was one of the least well funded statistical offices in the
developed world.[51]
In a supplementary memorandum, the ONS explained that, excluding
expenditure on the census, its expenditure in real terms was planned
to increase to 2002-03, with a slight fall thereafter, as table
1 shows.[52] £20
million, in cash terms, of this increase is earmarked for developing
ward level data as part of the Cabinet Office's PAT18 social exclusion
project.[53] Mr Cook
told us that "the important element of that project is that
not only the current outputs of ONS will change, but it will be
one of the significant opportunities to change the quality of
the capital base of ONS ... Its real value is not so much that
it is going to create new data, but that it will allow very much
more powerful access to data, which we have locked away in systems
which are rather old now and not very flexible."[54]
20 Qq96-106 Back
Q239 Back
Ev, p36 Back
Q243 Back
Q252; on the Commission's role see Qq183-4, 195 Back
Qq99, 227, 252; Ev, p34 Back
See Qq 97-8, 105, 110-11 for the discussion of this issue in March
2000 Back
App 3, paragraphs 3.2, 3.4 Back
App 3, paragraph 3.6 Back
Qq183-4, 187, 190, 198-9, 201-8, 215-22 Back
Q200 Back
ONS Report, paragraph 48 Back
Q53 also Qq 56-7 Back
Framework, paragraph 4.3.4(l) Back
Qq261, 268 Back
ONS Report, paragraph 48 Back
Qq144-6; and Ev, pp35-6 Back
Qq144, 247-8 Back
Q187 Back
ONS Report, paragraphs 20-8 Back
Q173 Back
Q210 Back
Ev, pp21-2 Back
Q131 Back
Ev, p35 Back
Q291 and also see Q288 Back
HC Deb, 20 Nov 00, c945w; and The Goal of Full Employment:
Employment Opportunity for all Throughout Britain, HM Treasury,
Feb 00, chart 4, p4 Back
Qq119-120 Back
Q118 Back
Independent, 11 Dec 00 Back
Based upon a GDP deflator of 2½% Back
App 4; also Qq279-82 and W. de Vries, "Problems in Comparing
National Statistical Offices and Systems", Netherlands
Official Statistics, Vol. 14, Autumn 1999, pp4-6 Back
Ev, p47 Back
Q225 Back
Q273 Back