Examination of witnesses (Questions 80-99)
80. Why did they remove it?
(Dawn Primarolo) I understand that the study is not
81. Sorry?
(Dawn Primarolo) I understand that the study is not
complete. The Commission have not given a detailed explanation
of why they have withdrawn it except that they are still working
on it. I am sorry, I cannot help you any more than that because
we have not had the reasons.
82. On 12 January they presumably thought that
work was sufficiently well under way to put it as agenda item
number six and it does not now appear.
(Dawn Primarolo) Indeed, yes. I can only imagine that
the pressure of work on the Commission is such that
83. When were you notified that it was not going
to be an item?
(Dawn Primarolo) If I could finish the sentence. That
is the only speculation I can make as to why it is not on the
84. Let us not deal with speculation. Can I
ask you a simple question: when was your Department notified that
this would not be taken as an agenda item on 7 May? When were
you told? The date will be quite sufficient.
(Dawn Primarolo) I realise that the date will be quite
sufficient. At the first Coreper that discussed the agenda in
preparation we would have been notified.
85. What date was that?
(Dawn Primarolo) I have not got that to hand but,
Mr Ruffley, I can get it to you. I would not want to conceal it
from you. I promise this Committee that I will give you the date.
I will just need to check that when I go back to the Treasury.
Apologies, that was not something I thought I would need today.[1]
86. Did you want it discussed on 7 May?
(Dawn Primarolo) The discussion of the Commission
study has been outstanding for some time and their bringing forward
their report. Quite frankly, whether they brought it forward on
7 May or not was not an issue for us. As I said, we made no representations
on it.
87. Sure.
(Dawn Primarolo) It is absolutely up to the Commission
when they make their studies available. I do not know what was
in their mind and I am sure you would not want me to speculate.
88. No, let us deal with the facts in this Committee.
How many corporate taxes have you harmonised since you became
Minister, or agreed to? How many UK corporate taxes have you either
harmonised or abolished since you became Minister?
(Dawn Primarolo) None. Harmonise and abolish what?
89. Corporate taxes or corporate tax allowances
or reliefs?
(Dawn Primarolo) None. All the decisions we have made
with regard to corporate taxation and reliefs have been specifically
connected with the decisions that the Chancellor has continued
to take about reforming the corporate tax system to make sure
that the UK is a competitive place for business.
90. Can you tell me about the Monti Group, because
you were agreeing to the removal of certain UK corporate tax allowances
and reliefs, were you not?
(Dawn Primarolo) Can I seek clarification here. Are
we talking about the Code of Conduct Group here?
91. Yes.
(Dawn Primarolo) No UK regimes within the Code of
Conduct, which we have discussed at length in this Committee on
a number of occasions, were found to be harmful and no action
was suggested on any of the UK regimes.
92. What was likely to be the content of the
discussion on 7 May when the 12 January draft agenda was put together?
What was in anticipation?
(Dawn Primarolo) I cannot specify that. The Commission
set up two panels, one of industry representatives and one of
tax and accountancy advisers. They were specifically, as I understand,
looking at the operation of the single market and barriers to
business but I am afraid the Commission have not shared, to date,
the likely outcome of that study. They were asked by Ecofin to
report to Ecofin and in fact, if my memory serves me right, they
were supposed to have reported some time ago. This is not the
first occasion on which this particular study has not been ready
for discussion when the Commission had initially indicated it
would be. There is no conspiracy here. This study has slipped
a number of times.
93. What specifically is within the remit of
this study?
(Dawn Primarolo) The remit of the study and the mandate
was agreed in July 1999. It had been circulated to this Committee
before. I have it in front of me. It is, as texts tend to be,
rather long but, Chairman, I am happy to circulate it. It has
been part of the outcome of the European Council decisions.[2]
94. That would be helpful. Are there any measures
or proposals flowing from that which would approximate to any
tax harmonisation?
(Dawn Primarolo) No.
95. Any removal of relief or allowances?
(Dawn Primarolo) No.
96. No tax harmonisation of any description?
(Dawn Primarolo) No, not as far as I am aware on any
one of those questions. The Government's policy is clear on that.
97. When does Ecofin discuss tax harmonisation?
(Dawn Primarolo) It does not.
98. Why not?
(Dawn Primarolo) Because determination of tax matters
is a Member State's determination and any decisions which are
taken with regard to tax measures, for instance taxation of savingsif
I may say so a triumph for this Governmentare taken on
the basis of unanimity. A specific point on "shall we harmonise
tax" is not an issue at Ecofin, as the Chancellor has repeatedly
made clear and indeed as other Member States have made clear,
in terms of the way forward for the efficient operation of the
single market.
99. This agenda item on company taxation, this
study, which has been delayed, about which you purport to know
very little, you do not think it is a bit fishy, do you, it has
been pulled before the expected General Election in this country?
(Dawn Primarolo) No, I do not consider it to be
1 See p. 16. Back
See p. 16. Back