Letter to the Chairman from Dawn Primarolo
MP, Paymaster General, HM Treasury
I promised during my evidence to the Committee on
2 May to write on three points.
First, on the Commission's study on company tax,
I can confirm that the Government was first made aware that this
would not be on the agenda of the 7 May ECOFIN at the first of
the three COREPER meetings preceding the ECOFIN on 11 April.
Secondly, I am pleased to enclose the mandate for
the Commission's study on company tax, which has previously been
sent to the European Scrutiny Committee [not printed].
Finally, as I thought at the time, and can now confirm,
the designer tax regime contained within the 1998 Jersey Finance
Law is part and parcel of the International Business Companies
tax measure which was indeed found to be harmful in the Code of
Conduct Group's November 1999 report.
10 May 2001