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Standing Committee Debates on Bills
Northern Ireland Grand Committee Debates

Membership of Northern Ireland Grand Committee

Below are the Members of Northern Ireland Grand Committee:

Chairman: Mr. John McWilliam

Barnes, Mr. Harry (North-East Derbyshire)
Beggs, Mr. Roy (East Antrim)
Browne, Mr. Desmond (Kilmarnock and Loudoun)
Cran, Mr. James (Beverley and Holderness)
Donaldson, Mr. Jeffrey (Lagan Valley)
Ellman, Mrs. Louise (Liverpool, Riverside)
Gapes, Mr. Mike (Ilford, South)
Godman, Dr. Norman A. (Greenock and Inverclyde)
Hope, Mr. Phil (Corby)
Hume, Mr. John (Foyle)
Hunter, Mr. Andrew (Basingstoke)
Jackson, Helen (Sheffield, Hillsborough)
McCartney, Mr. Robert (North Down)
McCrea, Dr. William (South Antrim)
McGrady, Mr. Eddie (South Down)
McIsaac, Shona (Cleethorpes)
MacKay, Mr. Andrew (Bracknell)
McNamara, Mr. Kevin (Hull, North)
McWalter, Mr. Tony (Hemel Hempstead)
Maginnis, Mr. Ken (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
Mallon, Mr. Seamus (Newry and Armagh)
Moran, Ms Margaret (Luton, South)
O'Brien, Mr. Bill (Normanton)
Ošpik, Mr. Lembit (Montgomeryshire)
Osborne, Ms Sandra (Ayr)
Paisley, Rev. Ian (North Antrim)
Pound, Mr. Stephen (Ealing, North)
Robathan, Mr. Andrew (Blaby)
Robinson, Mr. Peter (Belfast, East)
Ross, Mr. William (East Londonderry)
Salter, Mr. Martin (Reading, West)
Smyth, Rev. Martin (Belfast, South)
Taylor, Mr. Ian (Esher and Walton)
Taylor, Mr. John D. (Strangford)
Taylor, Mr. John M. (Solihull)
Thomas, Mr. Gareth R. (Harrow, West)
Thompson, Mr. William (West Tyrone)
Trimble, Mr. David (Upper Bann)
Walker, Mr. Cecil (Belfast, North)

Mr. C. J. Poyser, Mr. K. C. Fox, Committee Clerk

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