Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*
* For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills
to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A. General Summary
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
started in the Commons
| 32 |
| 271 |
Private Members'
| 5 |
brought from the Lords
| 13 |
| 12 |
Private Members'
| 1 |
| |
Total | 45
| |
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
started in the Commons
| 93 |
| 1 |
Private Members'
| 92 |
brought from the Lords
| 6 |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 6 |
| |
Total | 99
1 Of which one was carried over from the
previous Session
Progress of Bills
| |
introduced into, but not passed by the Commons
| 92 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 1 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 3 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 3 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
| |
Total | 99
| |
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 144 |