Sessional Returns Session 1999-2000 - Contents


B. Bills which received the Royal Assent

Bills marked thus * were Government Bills
Bills marked thus † received precedence in Government time

*Armed Forces Discipline [Lords]
*Care Standards [Lords]
Carers and Disabled Children
Census (Amendment) [Lords]
*Child Support, Pensions and Social Security
*Children (Leaving Care) [Lords]
*Consolidated Fund (received the Royal Assent as the Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1999)
*Consolidated Fund (No. 2) (received the Royal Assent as the Consolidated Fund Act 2000)
*Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (received the Royal Assent as the Appropriation Act 2000)
*Countryside and Rights of Way
*Criminal Justice and Court Services
*Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate [Lords]
*Electronic Communications
*Financial Services and Markets
*Football (Disorder)
*Freedom of Information
*Fur Farming (Prohibition)
*Government Resources and Accounts
Health Service Commissioners (Amendment)
*Insolvency [Lords]
*Learning and Skills [Lords]
Licensing (Young Persons)
*Limited Liability Partnerships [Lords]
*Local Government [Lords]
*Northern Ireland
*Nuclear Safeguards [Lords]
*Police (Northern Ireland)
*Political Parties, Elections and Referendums
*Postal Services
*Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) [Lords]
Protection of Animals (Amendment)
*Race Relations (Amendment) [Lords]
*Regulation of Investigatory Powers
*Representation of the People
*Royal Parks (Trading)
*Sea Fishing Grants (Charges)
*Sexual Offences (Amendment)
*Television Licences (Disclosure of Information)
*Trustee [Lords]
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation
Total: 45

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Prepared 9 February 2001