Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
| |
Age Equality Commission [159] | dropped
Armed Forces (Minimum Age of Recruitment) [127]
| dropped |
Building Societies (Transfer Resolutions) [23]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Children's Rights Commissioner [119] | dropped
Control of Hedgerows in Residential Areas [74]
| dropped |
Corporate Homicide [114] | dropped
Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes [166]
| dropped |
Dangerous People with Severe Personality Disorder [88]
| dropped |
Discipline of Hospital Medical Practitioners [142]
| dropped |
Divorce (Religious Marriages) [Lords] [162]
| dropped |
Energy Conservation (Housing) [39] | dropped
Energy Efficiency [38] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Export of Farm Animals [20] | dropped
Fire Prevention [28] | dropped
Food Labelling [21] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Genetically Modified Food and Producer Liability (No. 2) [184]
| dropped |
Government Powers (Limitations) [17] | dropped
Hare Coursing [42] | dropped
Health and Safety at Work (Offences) [26] |
dropped |
Health Care Standards for Elderly Persons [103]
| dropped |
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Amendment) [138]
| dropped |
Juvenile Justice [126] | dropped
Licensing (Cannabis) [113] | dropped
Marine Wildlife Protection [69] | dropped
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) [85] | dropped
Newspaper and Magazine Recycling [25] | dropped
Organic Food and Farming Targets [27] | dropped
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War [129] |
dropped |
Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) [Lords] [79]
| dropped |
Police [128] | dropped
Property Transactions [30] | dropped
Public House Names [35] | dropped
Renewable Energy [120] | dropped
Representation of Overseas Territories [140]
| dropped |
Residential Care Homes and Nursing Homes (Medical Records) [98]
| dropped |
Retail Packaging Recycling [56] | dropped
Road Traffic [29] | dropped
School Admissions (Amendment) [116] | dropped
School Crossings (Amendment) [75] | withdrawn
Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries (Amendment) [40]
| dropped |
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) [22] | dropped
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) (No. 2) [82]
| dropped |
Strategic Export Controls (Breach of Embargo) [135]
| dropped |
Suspension of Hospital Medical Practitioners [Lords] [174]
| dropped |
Urban Regeneration and Countryside Protection [18]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Weights and Measures (Amendment) [104] |
dropped |
Welfare of Broiler Chickens [24] | dropped
Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) [19] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Zoo Licensing (Amendment) [101] | dropped
| |
Total: 49 | |