Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
| Date of 1st reading
| Date of 2nd reading
| Committed to | Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered |
Date of 3rd reading |
Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
| Date RoyalAssent given
| Notes |
AAge Equality Commission [159] |
12th July 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Armed Forces Discipline [Lords][53][89]
| 24th Jan 2000 | 17th Feb 2000
| SCD | 14th Mar 2000
| 6th Apr 2000 | 6th Apr 2000
| - | 25th May 2000
| - |
AArmed Forces (Minimum Age of Recruitment) [127]
| 17th May 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BBuilding Societies (Transfer Resolutions) [23]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 19th May 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Debate adjourned; dropped |
*Care Standards [Lords] [105][152] |
5th Apr 2000 | 18th May 2000
| SCG | 4th July 2000
| 12th July 2000 | 12th July 2000
| - | 20th July 2000
| - |
BCarers and Disabled Children [13]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 4th Feb 2000
| SCC | 15th Mar 2000
| 5th May 2000 | 5th May 2000
| - | 20th July 2000
| - |
DCensus (Amendment) [Lords] [100]
| 28th Mar 2000 | 20th June 2000
| SCD | 5th July 2000
| 26th July 2000 | 26th July 2000
| - | 28th July 2000
| Bill incorrect as first received; returned to Lords, 22 Mar
*Child Support, Pensions and Social Security [9][83][167]
| 1st Dec 1999 | 11th Jan 2000
| SCF | 7th Mar 2000
| 29th Mar & 3rd Apr 2000
| 3rd Apr 2000 | 24th July 2000
| 28th July 2000 | -
*Children (Leaving Care) [Lords][134]
| 23rd May 2000 | 21st June 2000
| SCA | 13th July 2000
| 31st Oct 2000 | 31st Oct 2000
| - | 30th Nov 2000
| - |
A Children's Rights Commissioner [119]
| 3rd May 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Consolidated Fund [32] | 16th Dec 1999
| 16th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| 16th Dec 1999 | -
| 20th Dec 1999 | -
*Consolidated Fund (No. 2) [86] | 14th Mar 2000
| 15th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| 15th Mar 2000 | -
| 21st Mar 2000 | -
*Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [151] |
6th July 2000 | 10th July 2000
| - | -
| - | 10th July 2000
| - | 20th July 2000
| - |
A Control of Hedgerows in Residential Areas [74]
| 29th Feb 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
A Corporate Homicide [114] | 18th Apr 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Countryside and Rights of Way [78][133][188]
| 3rd Mar 2000 | 20th Mar 2000
| SCB | 23rd May 2000
| 13th & 14th June 2000 |
14th June 2000 | 28th Nov 2000
| 30th Nov 2000 | -
C Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes [166]
| 24th July 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Criminal Justice and Court Services [91] [123] [180] [193]
| 15th Mar 2000 | 28th Mar 2000
| SCG | 9th May 2000
| 12th June 2000 | 12th June 2000
| 14th & 30th Nov 2000 |
30th Nov 2000 | -
*Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No.2) [73]
| 22nd Feb 2000 | 7th Mar 2000
| SCD | 6th June 2000
| 25th July 2000 | 25th July 2000
| - | -
| - |
*Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate [Lords] [80]
| 6th Mar 2000 | 23rd May 2000
| SCB | 6th June 2000
| 26th June 2000 | 26th June 2000
| - | 20th July 2000
| - |
ADangerous People with Severe Personality Disorder [88]
| 14th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -.
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
CDiscipline of Hospital Medical Practitioners [142]
| 14th June 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Disqualifications [41] [192] | 21st Dec 1999
| 24th Jan 2000 | CWH
| 25th Jan 2000 | -
| 25th Jan 2000 | 30th Nov 2000
| 30th Nov 2000 | -
DDivorce (Religious Marriages) [Lords] [162]
| 17th July 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Electronic Communications [4] [33] [131] |
18th Nov 1999 | 29th Nov 1999
| SCB | 16th Dec 1999
| 25th Jan 2000 | 25th Jan 2000
| 25th May 2000 | 25th May 2000
| - |
CEnergy Conservation (Housing) [39]
| 20th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
CEnergy Efficiency [38] | 20th Dec 1999
| 10th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
BExport of Farm Animals [20] |
15th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Finance [97] [148] | 27th Mar 2000
| 17th Apr 2000 | CWH and SCH
| 29th June 2000 | 18th & 19th July 2000
| 19th July 2000 | -
| 28th July 2000 | -
*Financial Services and Markets [1] [11] [130]
| 18th Nov 1999 | 18th Nov 1999
| SCA | 9th Dec 1999
| 27th Jan, 1st & 9th Feb 2000
| 9th Feb 2000 | 5th June 2000
| 14th June 2000 | Bill carried over from previous Session
BFire Prevention [28] | 15th Dec 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BFood Labelling [21] | 15th Dec 1999
| 3rd Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
*Football (Disorder) [160] [172] | 13th July 2000
| 13th July 2000 | CWH
| 17th July 2000 | 17th July 2000
| 17th July 2000 | 27th July 2000
| 28th July 2000 | -
*Freedom of Information [5] [66] [187] | 18th Nov 1999
| 7th Dec 1999 | SCB
| 10th Feb 2000 | 4th & 5th Apr 2000
| 5th Apr 2000 | 27th Nov 2000
| 30th Nov 2000 | -
*Fur Farming (Prohibition) [6] [182] | 22nd Nov 1999
| 15th May 2000 | SCE
| 6th June 2000 | 28th June 2000
| 28th June 2000 | 22th Nov 2000
| 23rd Nov 2000 | -
AGenetically Modified Food and Producer Liability (No. 2) [184]
| 15th Nov 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BGovernment Powers (Limitations) [17]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 7th Apr 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Government Resources and Accounts [3] [51] [161]
| 18th Nov 1999 | 6th Dec 1999
| SCA | 24th Jan 2000
| 29th Feb 2000 | 29th Feb 2000
| 24th July 2000 | 28th July 2000
| - |
CHare Coursing [42] | 10th Jan 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BHealth and Safety at Work (Offences) [26]
| 15th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
AHealth Care Standards for Elderly Persons [103]
| 4th Apr 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BHealth Service Commissioners (Amendment) [15]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 3rd Mar 2000
| SCC | 29th Mar 2000
| 19th May 2000 | 19th May 2000
| - | 23rd Nov 2000
| - |
AHuman Fertilisation and Embryology (Amendment) [138]
| 7th June 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Insolvency [Lords] [173] [179] | 27th July 2000
| 24th Oct 2000 | SCB
| 7th Nov 2000 | 16th Nov 2000
| 16th Nov 2000 | -
| 30th Nov 2000 | -
AJuvenile Justice [126] | 16th May 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Learning and Skills [Lords] [96] [136] [164]
| 24th Mar 2000 | 30th Mar 2000
| SCF | 6th June 2000
| 27th June 2000 | 27th June 2000
| 25th July 2000 | 28th July 2000
| - |
CLicensing (Cannabis) [113] | 13th Apr 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BLicensing (Young Persons) [14] [95]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 11th Feb 2000
| SCC | 22nd Mar 2000
| 12th May 2000 | 9th June 2000
| - | 23rd Nov 2000
| - |
*Limited Liability Partnerships [Lords] [108] [143]
| 6th Apr 2000 | 23rd May 2000
| SCF | 15th June 2000
| 28th June 2000 | 28th June 2000
| - | 20th July 2000
| - |
*Local Government [Lords] [87] [145] [169]
| 13th Mar 2000 | 11th Apr 2000
| SCA | 20th June 2000
| 4th & 5th July 2000 |
5th July 2000 | 25th July 2000
| 28th July 2000 | -
AMarine Wildlife Protection [69] |
15th Feb 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BMedical Treatment (Prevention of Euthanasia) [12] [77]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 28th Jan 2000
| SCC | 1st Mar 2000
| 14th Apr 2000 | -
| - | -
| Debate adjourned; dropped |
CMisuse of Drugs (Amendment) [85]
| 9th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BNewspaper and Magazine Recycling [25]
| 15th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Bill withdrawn, 17th May 2000
*Northern Ireland [61] | 4th Feb 2000
| 8th Feb 2000 | CWH
| 8th Feb 2000 | -
| 8th Feb 2000 | -
| 10th Feb 2000 | -
*Nuclear Safeguards [Lords] [59] |
3rd Feb 2000 | 10th Apr 2000
| SCA | 18th Apr 2000
| 22nd May 2000 | 22nd May 2000
| - | 25th May 2000
| - |
BOrganic Food and Farming Targets [27]
| 15th Dec 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
CPardon for Soldiers of the Great War [129]
| 18th May 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
DParliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) [Lords] [79]
| 2nd Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
CPolice [128] | 18th May 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Police (Northern Ireland) [125] [155] [183]
| 16th May 2000 | 6th June 2000
| SCB | 6th July 2000
| 11th July 2000 | 11th July 2000
| 21st Nov 2000 | 23rd Nov 2000
| - |
*Political Parties, Elections and Referendums [34] [71] [189]
| 20th Dec 1999 | 10th Jan 2000
| CWH and SCG | 16th Feb 2000
| 13th & 14th Mar 2000 |
14th Mar 2000 | 29th Nov 2000
| 30th Nov 2000 | -
*Postal Services [54] [93] [158] | 27th Jan 2000
| 15th Feb 2000 | SCB
| 21st Mar 2000 | 18th Apr 2000
| 18th Apr 2000 | 27th July 2000
| 28th July 2000 | -
*Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) [Lords] [115]
| 18th Apr 2000 | 24th May 2000
| - | -
| - | 24th May 2000
| - | 25th May 2000
| S.O. No. 56 (Consolidation bills) applied
BProperty Transactions [30] | 15th Dec 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BProtection of Animals (Amendment) [31]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 28th Jan & 19th May 2000
| SCC | 21st June 2000
| 21st July 2000 | 21st July 2000
| - | 30th Nov 2000
| - |
CPublic House Names [35] | 20th Dec 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Race Relations (Amendment) [Lords] [60] [121]
| 3rd Feb 2000 | 9th Mar 2000
| SCD | 2nd May 2000
| 30th Oct 2000 | 30th Oct 2000
| - | 30th Nov 2000
| - |
CRecycled Content of Newsprint [43] [118]
| 10th Jan 2000 | 24th Mar 2000
| SCC | 19th Apr 2000
| 9th June & 21st July 2000
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
*Regulation of Investigatory Powers [64] [106] [168]
| 9th Feb 2000 | 6th Mar 2000
| SCF | 6th Apr 2000
| 8th May 2000 | 8th May 2000
| 26th July 2000 | 28th July 2000
| - |
ARenewable Energy [120] | 2nd May 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
ARepresentation of Overseas Territories [140]
| 14th June 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Representation of the People [2] [46] [81] |
18th Nov 1999 | 30th Nov 1999
| CWH | 13th Jan 2000
| 19th & 20th Jan 2000 |
20th Jan 2000 | 8th Mar 2000
| 9th Mar 2000 | -
AResidential Care Homes and Nursing Homes (Medical Records) [98]
| 27th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
ARetail Packaging Recycling [56] |
1st Feb 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BRoad Traffic [29] | 15th Dec 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Royal Parks (Trading) [58] | 3rd Feb 2000
| 9th Mar 2000 | SCG
| 21st Mar 2000 | 17th & 22nd May 2000
| 22nd May 2000 | -
| 20th July 2000 | -
CSchool Admissions (Amendment) [116]
| 19th Apr 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
CSchool Crossings (Amendment) [75]
| 1st Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Bill withdrawn 19th May 2000
CScottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries (Amendment) [40]
| 20th Dec 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Sea Fishing Grants (Charges) [7] | 22nd Nov 1999
| 1st Mar 2000 | SCG
| 14th Mar 2000 | 22nd May 2000
| 22nd May 2000 | -
| 28th July 2000 | -
BSex Discrimination (Amendment) [22]
| 15th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
ASex Discrimination (Amendment) (No. 2) [82]
| 7th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Sexual Offences (Amendment) [55] | 28th Jan 2000
| 10th Feb 2000 | -
| - | -
| 28th Feb 2000 | -
| 30th Nov 2000 | Enacted under the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949
AStrategic Export Controls (Breach of Embargo) [135]
| 24th May 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
DSuspension of Hospital Medical Practitioners [Lords] [174]
| 27th July 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Television Licences (Disclosure of Information) [102]
| 30th Mar 2000 | 10th Apr 2000
| SCE | 2nd May 2000
| 22nd May 2000 | 22nd May 2000
| - | 20th July 2000
| - |
*Terrorism [10] [63] [153] | 2nd Dec 1999
| 14th Dec 1999 | SCD
| 8th Feb 2000 | 15th Mar 2000
| 15th Mar 2000 | 10th July 2000
| 20th July 2000 | -
*Transport [8] [107] [181] [190] | 1st Dec 1999
| 20th Dec 1999 | SCE
| 6th Apr 2000 | 9th & 10th May 2000
| 10th May 2000 | 15th & 28th Nov 2000
| 30th Nov 2000 | -
*Trustee [Lords] [149] | 29th June 2000
| 26th July 2000 | SCA
| 24th Oct 2000 | 8th Nov 2000
| 8th Nov 2000 | -
| 23rd Nov 2000 | -
BUrban Regeneration and Countryside Protection [18]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 24th Mar 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Debate adjourned; dropped |
*Utilities [49] [110] [157] | 20th Jan 2000
| 31st Jan 2000 | SCA
| 11th Apr 2000 | 19th Apr 2000
| 19th Apr 2000 | 27th July 2000
| 28th July 2000 | -
BWarm Homes and Energy Conservation [16] [112]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 10th Mar 2000
| SCC | 12th Apr 2000
| 21st July 2000 | 21st July 2000
| - | 23rd Nov 2000
| - |
AWeights and Measures (Amendment) [104]
| 5th Apr 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BWelfare of Broiler Chickens [24]
| 15th Dec 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
BWild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) [19]
| 15th Dec 1999 | 7th Apr 2000
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Debate adjourned; dropped |
AZoo Licensing (Amendment) [101] |
29th Mar 2000 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |