Sessional Returns Session 1999-2000 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to the Northern Ireland, Scottish and Welsh Grand Committees.

Title of Bill, &c.
Number of sittings at which considered
Number of Members present at each sitting
(excluding Chairmen)
State of Northern Ireland Agriculture
1 (12th April 2000)
Devolution in Northern Ireland
1 (5th July 2000)
Review of the Future of the Juvenile Justice Centre Estate in Northern Ireland
1 (29th November 2000)
Draft Appropriation (Northern Ireland) Order 2000
1 (9th March 2000)

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's Panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of the Northern Ireland Grand Committee:

Mr John McWilliam (3), Mr John Butterfill (1), Mr Roger Gale (1)

Members and attendance: Mr Harry Barnes (3/4), Mr Roy Beggs (4/4), Mr Desmond Browne (appointed 8th March 2000) (4/4), Mr Tony Colman (discharged 8th March 2000) (0/0), Mr James Cran (3/4), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (3/4), Mrs Louise Ellman (appointed 24th November 1999) (3/4), Mr Clifford Forsythe (died April 27th 2000)(2/2), Mr Mike Gapes (1/4), Dr Norman A. Godman (2/4), Mr Phil Hope (2/4), Mr John Hume (0/4), Mr Andrew Hunter (2/4), Helen Jackson (2/4), Mr Robert McCartney (2/4), The Reverend William McCrea (appointed 24th October 2000) (0/1), Mr Eddie McGrady (0/4), Shona McIsaac (3/4), Mr Andrew Mackay (0/4), Mr Kevin McNamara (2/4), Mr Tony McNulty (discharged 24th November 1999) (0/0), Mr Tony McWalter (2/4), Mr John McWilliam (appointed 24th November 1999) (3/4), Mr Ken Maginnis (0/4), Mr Seamus Mallon (0/4), Ms Margaret Moran (0/4), Mr Malcolm Moss (discharged 8th March 2000) (0/0), Mr Bill O'Brien (4/4), Mr Lembit Öpik (4/4), Mrs Sandra Osborne (0/4), The Reverend Ian Paisley (0/4), Mr Stephen Pound (2/4), Mr Andrew Robathan (3/4), Mr Peter Robinson (0/4), Mr William Ross (1/4), Mr Martin Salter (0/4), The Reverend Martin Smyth (4/4), Mr Ian Taylor (1/4), Mr John D. Taylor (3/4), Mr John M. Taylor (appointed 8th March 2000) (4/4), Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West) (2/4), Mr William Thompson (4/4), Mr David Trimble (3/4), Mr Cecil Walker (1/4)

The following Members also attended meetings of the Committee, pursuant to Standing Order No. 109(4): Jim Dowd (4), Mr George Howarth (2), Mr Adam Ingram (4)

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Prepared 9 February 2001