7. Culture, Media and Sport
The Committee was nominated on 14 July 1997.
It had 11 Members and held 41 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Kaufman, Mr Gerald (Chairman) | 40
Faber, Mr David | 35
Fearn, Mr Ronnie | 35
Fraser, Mr Christopher | 20
Golding, Mrs Llin | 37
Keen, Mr Alan | 40
Kirkbride, Miss Julie | 29
Maxton, Mr John | 35
Organ, Mrs Diana (added, 6.12.99) | 22
Ward, Ms Claire | 35
Wyatt, Derek | 36
Overall attendance: | 80.7 %
Number of Members added: | 1
Number of Members discharged: | 0
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
0% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Colin Lee, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mr Richard Cooke, Assistant Clerk (Band A3).
Committee Assistant: Mrs Nicole Mulloy, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2).
Secretary: Mrs Amanda Waller, Secretary (Band D1) (until 25.2.00);
Mrs Jane Cooper, Secretary (Band D1) (from 28.2.00 until 10.3.00);
and Miss Louise Sargent, Secretary (Band D1) (from 13.3.00).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 3 |
Other Ministers
| 5 |
Ministerial appearances by Members of the House of Lords
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of Department for Culture, Media and Sport
| 9 |
other departments
| 3 |
comprising: Department for Education and Employment
| 1 |
HM Customs and Excise
| 2 |
public bodies of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport
| 28 |
comprising: British Library
| 3 |
British Museum
| 3 |
Independent Television Commission
| 5 |
Library and Information Commission
| 4 |
Millennium Commission
| 1 |
Museums and Galleries Commission
| 2 |
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
| 2 |
National Lottery Commission
| 3 |
New Millennium Experience Company
| 2 |
Sport England
| 3 |
Members of Parliament | 1
Appearances by other witnesses | 155
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
26-31.3.00 | Thessaloniki, Athens and Rome
| 10 |
2 | Inquiry into Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| £23,551.53
3-5.10.00 | Vilnius
| 1* |
1* | Attendance at Vilnius International Forum on Holocaust-Era Looted Cultural Assets
| £2,508.04
* Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
8.2.00 | Sheerness and Chatham
| 7 |
3 | Inquiry into Libraries
| £904.40
21.3.00 | The British Museum
| 6 |
3 | Inquiry into Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| £200.00
5.4.00 | New Scotland Yard
| 8 |
3 | Inquiry into Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| £0.00
24.5.00 | The Millennium Dome
| 8 |
2 | Inquiry into Marking the Millennium in the United Kingdom
| £28.80
20-22.6.00 | Scotland
| 9 |
2 | Inquiry into Marking the Millennium in the United Kingdom
| £7,809.47
7.11.00 | Watford
| 6 |
3 | Inquiry into the Operation of the National Lottery
| £555.66
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Countdown to the Millennium
| 24-I |
24.11.99 |
24 | £6.30
| Cm 4589, published 31.1.00
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Countdown to the Millennium
| 24-II |
24.11.99 |
70 | £11.50
| Not applicable
Second Report: The Future of Professional Rugby
| 99 |
14.12.99 |
157 | £17.00
| Received 10.2.00: published as First Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Third Report: The Funding of the BBC
| 25-I |
20.12.99 |
58 | £9.30
| Cm 4674, published 22.3.00
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: The Funding of the BBC
| 25-II |
20.12.99 |
282 | £22.50
| Not applicable
Fourth Report: Wembley National Stadium
| 164 |
2.3.00 |
190 | £19.50
| Cm 4686, published 23.3.00
Fifth Report: Whatever Happened to News at Ten?
| 289 |
22.3.00 |
82 | £11.50
| Not required
Sixth Report: Public Libraries
| 241 |
24.5.00 |
184 | £19.50
| Received 25.7.00: published as Third Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Seventh Report: Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| 371-I |
25.7.00 |
63 | £11.10
| Received 2.10.00: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Minutes of Evidence: Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| 371-II
| 25.7.00
| 252 |
| Not applicable
Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence: Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| 371-III
| 25.7.00
| 148 |
| Not applicable
Eighth Report: Marking the Millennium in the United Kingdom
| 578-I |
1.8.00 |
44 | £8.80
| Cm 4899, published 23.10.00
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Marking the Millennium in the United Kingdom
| 578-II
| 1.8.00
| 250 |
| Not applicable
Ninth Report: Report and Accounts of the BBC for 1999-2000
| 719 |
2.8.00 |
44 | £8.80
| Received 2.10.00: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
First Special Report: The Future of Professional Rugby: Government Response to the Second Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 268 |
20.3.00 |
5 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Second Special Report: Wembley National Stadium: Responses to the Fourth Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 412 |
11.4.00 |
14 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Third Special Report: Public Libraries: Government Response to the Sixth Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 867 |
3.8.00 |
11 | £3.40
| Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade: Initial Government Response to the Seventh Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 944 |
2.11.00 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Report and Accounts of the BBC for 1999-2000: Responses from the Government and the BBC to the Ninth Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 945 |
2.11.00 |
11 | £3.40
| Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 1998-99
Reply to the Committee's Fourth Report: Staging International
Sporting Events, published as Cm 4575 (26.1.00).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99
were published on 10.4.00 as HC 895, Session 1999-2000. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000 were published
on 7.12.00 as HC 773, Session 1999-2000.
Date | Subject
15.12.99 | One, on consideration of draft Reports on the Funding of the BBC, on Amendment proposed to leave out the words "Chairman's draft Report" and insert the words "draft Report proposed by Mr John Maxton".
One, on Question, That the Report on the Funding of the BBC, as amended, be the Third Report of the Committee to the House.
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 29 of the Committee's 41 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
The Funding of the BBC |
6 |
Wembley National Stadium
| 3 |
Whatever Happened to News at Ten?
| 1 |
Public Libraries | 4
Cultural Property: Return and Illicit Trade
| 8 |
Marking the Millennium in the United Kingdom
| 3 |
Report and Accounts of the BBC for 1999-2000
| 1 |
Operation of the National Lottery*
| 3 |
Total | 29
* The Committee did not complete this inquiry
in Session 1999-2000