11. Environment, Transport and Regional
The Committee was nominated on 14 July 1997.
It had 17 Members and held 33 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Benn, Mr Hilary (added, 6.12.99) | 27
Bennett, Mr Andrew | 32
Blunt, Mr Crispin (added, 21.2.00) | 14
Brake, Mr Tom | 22
Butler, Christine | 23
Cummings, Mr John | 14
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M. (added, 12.6.00) |
5 |
Donohoe, Mr Brian | 25
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth | 28
Ellman, Mrs Louise | 30
Forsythe, Mr Clifford (died 27.4.00) | 13
Gorman Mrs Teresa | 13
Gray, Mr James | 24
Ladyman Dr Stephen (added, 13.12.99) | 21
McIntosh Miss Anne | 30
O'Brien, Mr Bill | 24
Olner, Mr Bill | 28
Randall, Mr John (discharged, 21.2.00) |
4 |
Stevenson, Mr George | 18
Stringer, Mr Graham (discharged, 13.12.99) |
0 |
Whitehead, Dr Alan (discharged, 6.12.99) |
0 |
Overall attendance: | 70.4 %
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
17 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr David Harrison, Deputy Principal
Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mr Gavin Devine, Senior Clerk (Band A2).
Third Clerk: Mr Huw Yardley, Senior Clerk (Band A2) (Assistant
Clerk (Band A3) until 30.9.00).
Committee Specialists: Mr Kevin Lee, (Band B1), Miss Katie Smith
(Band B1), Dr Dave Taylor (Band B1).
Committee Assistants: Miss Frances Allingham, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2), Miss Jacqueline Recardo, Chief Office Clerk
(Band C).
Secretaries: Mrs Susan Morrison, Secretary (Band D1) and Miss
Leslie Young, Secretary (Band D1) (until 30.4.00).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Richard Bate, Mr Rob Gifford, Mr Malcolm Fergusson, Mr
John Hume, Mr David Lunts, Professor James McConville, Professor
Richard Macrory, Professor Michael Parkinson and Professor Jim
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 2 |
Other Ministers.
| 8 |
Ministerial appearances by Members of the House of Lords
| 4 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions: 12
| |
other departments: 10
| |
comprising: Cabinet Office
| 6 |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 2 |
Government Office for the North East
| 1 |
HM Treasury
| 1 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments: 38
| |
comprising: British Waterways
| 3 |
HM Customs and Excise
| 1 |
Countryside Agency
| 3 |
English Heritage
| 2 |
English Nature
| 3 |
English Partnerships
| 4 |
Environment Agency
| 6 |
Heritage Lottery Fund
| 2 |
Housing Corporation
| 2 |
Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Council
| 4 |
Regional Development Agency: North East
| 1 |
Regional Development Agency: North West
| 1 |
Regional Development Agency: South East
| 1 |
Regional Development Agency: South West
| 1 |
Regional Development Agency: Yorkshire and Humberside
| 1 |
Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
| 3 |
Appearances by other witnesses: | 84
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
| Strasbourg
| 1* |
1* | Council of Europe Forum
| £1,572.71
10-11.5.00 | Brussels
| 7 |
2 | Meetings with EU Environment and Transport Commissioners
| £4,123.32
* Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
| Yorkshire
| 11 |
| Inquiry into Proposed Urban White Paper
| £4,357.65
A Includes 2 specialist
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Potential Risk of Fire Spread in Buildings via External Cladding Systems
| 109 |
5.1.00 |
20 | £18.00
| Received 24.3.00: published as Second Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Second Report: Environmental Impact of Supermarket Competition
| 120 |
11.1.00 |
22 | £5.80
| Cm 4722, published 12.5.00
Fourth Report: The Work of the Health and Safety Executive
| 31-I |
15.2.00 |
33 | £8.00
| Cm 4741, published 17.5.00
Third Report: The Proposed Public-Private Partnership for National Air Traffic Services Limited
| 35 |
17.2.00 |
115 | £14.70
| Cm 4702, published 20.4.00
Fifth Report: UK Climate Change Programme
| 194-I |
20.3.00 |
55 | £10.20
| Cm 4748, published 20.8.00
Minutes of Evidence and appendices: UK Climate Change Programme
| 194-II
| 20.3.00
| 130 |
| Not applicable
Seventh Report: Rural White Paper
| 32-I |
17.5.00 |
40 | £8.50
| Cm 4910, published 28.11.00
Minutes of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 32-i |
5.1.00 |
19 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 32-ii |
11.1.00 |
20 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 32-iii
| 27.1.00
| 23 |
£5.50 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 32-iv |
3.2.00 |
20 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 32-v |
9.3.00 |
18 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 32-vi |
26.5.00 |
23 | £6.20
| Not applicable
Sixth Report: The Environment Agency
| 34-I |
20.5.00 |
76 | £10.50
| Cm 4832, published 18.10.00
Ninth Report: Travelling Fairs
| 284-I |
5.6.00 |
31 | £7.50
| Received 25.7.00: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Eighth Report: Light Rapid Transit Systems
| 153 |
8.6.00 |
320 | £23.30
| Received 25.7.00: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Tenth Report: The Audit Commission
| 1741-I
| 22.6.00
| 35 |
£8.00 |
Cm 4931, published 1.12.00
Eleventh Report: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-I |
6.7.00 |
70 | £11.10
| Cm 4912, published 16.11.00
Memoranda: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-II
| 21.2.00
| 276 |
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-i |
27.4.00 |
22 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-ii
| 6.7.00
| 25 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-iii
| 7.7.00
| 20 |
£5.50 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-iv
| 7.7.00
| 21 |
£5.50 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-v |
7.7.00 |
16 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-vi
| 10.7.00
| 17 |
£4.75 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-vii
| 10.7.00
| 17 |
£4.75 |
Not applicable
Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence: Proposed Urban White Paper
| 185-viii
| Not yet published
| Not applicable
Twelfth Report: UK Biodiversity: Interim Report
| 441-I |
7.7.00 |
13 | £4.30
| Not applicable
Thirteenth Report: The Planning Inspectorate and Public Inquiries
| 364-I |
11.7.00 |
43 | £8.80
| Cm 4891, published 20.10.00
Fourteenth Report: Funding of London Underground
| 411 |
11.7.00 |
137 | £15.90
| Cm 4877, published 1.11.00
Fifteenth Report: The Road Haulage Industry
| 296 |
26.7.00 |
287 | £22.00
| Awaited
Eighteenth Report: Air Service Agreements between the United Kingdom and the United States
| 532 |
15.8.00 |
276 | £22.00
| Cm 4907, published 10.11.00
Sixteenth Report: The Implications of the European Commission Ruling on Gap Funding Schemes for Urban Regeneration in England
| 714 |
14.9.00 |
102 | £13.60
| Cm 4923, published 11.12.00
Seventeenth Report: Departmental Annual Report 2000 and Expenditure Plans 2000-01 to 2001-02
| 471 |
20.9.00 |
103 | £13.60
| Cm 5035, published 24.1.01
Nineteenth Report: The Work of the Commission for Integrated Transport
| 725 |
8.11.00 |
32 | £8.00
| Awaited
Twentieth Report: UK Biodiversity
| 441 |
6.12.00 |
69 | £8.00
| Awaited
First Special Report: Government Response to the Second Report of the Environment Committee in Session 1996-97: Contaminated Land
| 61 |
9.12.99 |
15 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Second Special Report: Government Response to the First Report of the Committee: Potential Risk of Fire Spread in Buildings via External Cladding Systems
| 389 |
6.4.00 |
8 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Third Special Report: Response from the Environment Agency to the Sixth Report of the Committee: The Environment Agency
| 870 |
28.7.00 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Ninth Report of the Committee: Travelling Fairs
| 871 |
28.7.00 |
6 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Government Response to the Eighth Report of the Committee: Light Rapid Transit Systems
| 872 |
15.8.00 |
10 | £3.40
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Twenty-Second Report of The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution; Energy - The Changing Climate
| 666-i |
18.8.00 |
13 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 1996-97
Reply to the former Environment Committee's
Second Report: Contaminated Land, published as First Special
Report, Session 1999-2000.
Government replies to Reports for Session 1998-99
Reply to the Committee's Twenty-first Report: Railways
Bill, published as Cm 4538 (16.12.99); Reply to the Committee's
Twentieth Report: Town and Country Parks, published as
Cm 4550 (14.1.00); Reply to the Committee's Sixteenth Report:
Multilateral Environmental Agreements, published as Cm
4577 (25.1.00); Reply to the Committee's Nineteenth Report: Young
and Newly Qualified Drivers: Standards and Training, published
as Cm 4631 (1.3.00); Reply to the Committee's Seventeenth Report:
Housing: PPG 3, published as Cm 4667 (7.3.00).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1997-98
will be published as HC1162, Session 1997-98. The Minutes of Proceedings
of the Committee for Session 1998-99 will be published as HC 899,
Session 1998-99. The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for
Session 1999-2000 will be published as HC 776, Session 1999-2000.
Date | Subject
1.2.00 | One, on Question, That the Report be the Third Report of the Committee to the House.
13.3.00 | Ten, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on the UK Climate Change Programme
28.6.00 | One, on an Amendment proposed to Chairman's draft Report on the Proposed Urban White Paper.
19.7.00 | One, on Question, That the Report be the Fifteenth Report of the Committee to the House.
The following Reports were debated in the House:
Fourteenth Report, Session 1998-99, Aviation Safety, on
an Estimates Day, under Standing Order No. 54, 16.12.99.
Sixth Report, Session 1999-2000, Environment Agency, on
a Government Motion for the Adjournment (Sixth Report from the
Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee), 24.11.00.
The following Reports were debated in Westminster Hall:
Twentieth Report, Session 1998-99, Town and Country Parks,
Fourth Report, Session 1999-2000, Work of the Health and Safety
Executive, 17.5.00.
The following Reports were referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to debates in the House:
Sixteenth Report, Session 1998-99, Multilateral Environmental
Agreements, on a Government Motion for the Adjournment of
the House (World Trade Organisation Millennium Round), 9.12.99.
Third Report, Session 1997-98,The Proposed Strategic Rail Authority
and Railway Regulation, Fourth Report, Session 1997-98, Air
Traffic Control, Third Report, Session 1998-99, The Future
of National Air Traffic Services, Ninth Report, Session 1998-99,
Integrated Transport White Paper, and Twenty-first Report,
Session 1998-99, Railways Bill, on Second Reading of the
Transport Bill, 20.12.99.
Thirteenth Report, Session 1997-98, Protection of Field Boundaries,
on Second Reading of the Countryside and Rights of Way Bill, 20.3.00.
Seventh Report, Session 1997-98, London Underground, and
Fourteenth Report 1999-2000, Future of London Underground,
on an Opposition Motion (London Underground Public Private Partnership),
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 22 of the Committee's 33 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
UK Climate Change Programme
| 2 |
Rural White Paper | 5
Proposed Urban White Paper
| 7 |
Departmental Annual Report 2000 and Expenditure Plans 2000-01 to 2001-02
| 1 |
Twenty-Second Report of The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution: Energy - The Changing Climate
| 1 |
The Implications of the European Commission Ruling on Gap Funding Schemes for Urban Regeneration in England
| 2 |
Development on or affecting the flood plain*
| 1 |
Inland Waterways* | 3
Total | 22
* The Committee did not complete these inquiries
in Session 1999-2000