13. European Scrutiny
The Committee was nominated on 17 November 1998.
It had 16 Members and held 36 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Hood, Mr Jimmy (Chairman) | 25
Bradshaw, Mr Ben | 24
Breed, Mr Colin | 19
Casale, Mr Roger | 21
Cash, Mr William | 19
Connarty, Mr Michael | 30
Dobbin, Mr Jim | 26
Ewing, Mrs Margaret | 0
Hall, Mr Patrick (added, 14.12.99) | 17
Jones, Ms Jenny | 27
McIntosh, Miss Anne (added, 20.11.00) | 2
McKenna, Mrs Rosemary (discharged, 14.12.99)
| 1 |
Marshall, Mr Jim | 29
Palmer, Dr Nick | 2
Paterson, Mr Owen (discharged, 20.11.00) |
20 |
Rammell, Mr Bill (discharged, 30.3.00) (added, 20.6.00)
| 13 |
Robertson, Mr Laurence | 23
Rogers, Mr Allan (added 30.3.00) (discharged, 20.6.00)
| 2 |
Steen, Mr Anthony | 14
Overall attendance: | 51.2 %
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 4
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
25% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mrs Elizabeth Flood, Deputy Principal
Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2) (until 31.10.00); Mr Dorian Gerhold,
Deputy Principal Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2) (from 1.11.00).
Second Clerk: Mrs Susan Craig, Senior Clerk (Band A2).
Clerk/Advisers: Miss Josy Eldred, Senior Clerk (Band A2); Mr David
Griffiths, Senior Clerk (Band A2); Mr Clive Wilson, Senior Clerk
(Band A2); Mrs Rosemary Melling CBE, Senior Clerk (Band A2).
Legal Advisers: Mr John Vaux, Counsel to the Speaker (European
Legislation &c) (Senior Structure Band 5) (until 29.9.00);
Mr Michael Carpenter, Counsel to the Speaker (European Legislation
&c) (Senior Structure Band 3)(from 2.10.00); Ms Kemi Alagbala,
Assistant Legal Adviser (Band B1).
Committee Assistant: Miss Karen McClelland, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2); assisted by Mr Brian Dye, Chief Office Clerk,
(Band C); Mr Darren Hackett, Senior Office Clerk, (Band D1) (until
14.1.00) Mr Allen Mitchell, Senior Office Clerk, (Band D1) (from
Secretaries: Mrs Keely Bishop, Secretary (Band D1) (from 6.12.99);
Miss Susan Ramsay, Secretary (Band D1); Ms Fiona Mearns,
Secretary (Band D1); Mrs Alison Ross, Secretary (Band D1) (to
29.9.00); Mrs Claire Webster, Secretary, (Band D1) (to 26.11.99);
Miss Jennifer Kelly, Secretary (Band D1) (from 3.7.00).
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of
| |
Cabinet Office
| 1 |
Home Office
| 2 |
Trade and Industry
| 1 |
Members of the European Court of Justice
| 1 |
Members of the European Commission
| 2 |
Members of the European Parliament
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 3 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
28-30.3.00 | Lisbon
| 8 |
3 | Work in preparation for the Portuguese Presidency of EU
| £11,569.60
29-30.5.00 | Lisbon
| 3* |
2 | Twenty-second Conference of European Affairs Committees (COSAC)
| £4,224.06
2-6.7.00 | Paris, Prague and Bratislava
| 9 |
3 | Work on EU enlargement and work in preparation for the French Presidency of EU
| £17,651(estimated outturn)
16-17.10.00 | Versailles
| 3* |
2 | Twenty-third Conference of European Affairs Committees (COSAC)
| £3,724.50
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
6-8.12.99 | European Commission, Brussels
| 5 |
| Meetings with European Commission officials and Inquiry into forthcoming Inter-Governmental Conference
| £4,641.43
1.2.00 | European Parliament, Brussels
| 1* |
1 | Study day on forthcoming Inter-Governmental Conference
| £935.12
11-12.7.00 | European Parliament, Brussels
| 1* |
Round table on Inter-Governmental Conference
| £502.34
A Includes 2 shorthand
* Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
2-3.3.00 | Edinburgh
| 1 |
2 | Liaison meeting with European Committee of Scottish Parliament
| £831.91
3.11.00 | Glasgow
| 1 |
1 | Inaugural meeting with Chairs of UK European Committees
| £423.65
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-00)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply*
First Report | 23-i
| 7.12.99
| 51 |
£9.70 |
Second Report | 23-ii
| 16.12.99
| 68 |
Third and Fourth Reports
| 23-iii and23-iv
| 23.12.99
| 53 |
Fifth Report | 23-v
| 28.1.00
| 44 |
£8.80 |
Sixth Report | 23-vi
| 16.2.00
| 63 |
Seventh Report | 23-vii
| 16.2.00
| 38 |
£8.00 |
Eighth Report | 23-viii
| 22.2.00
| 65 |
Ninth Report | 23-ix
| 24.2.00
| 42 |
£8.80 |
Tenth Report | 23-x
| 9.3.00
| 51 |
£9.70 |
Eleventh Report | 23-xi
| 22.3.00
| 45 |
£8.80 |
Twelfth Report | 23-xii
| 24.3.00
| 37 |
£8.00 |
Thirteenth Report | 23-xiii
| 26.4.00
| 127 |
Fourteenth Report | 23-xiv
| 26.4.00
| 41 |
£8.80 |
Fifteenth Report | 23-xv
| 4.5.00
| 44 |
£8.80 |
Seventeenth Report: The 2000 Inter-Governmental Conference
| 23-xvii97-i-v942-i
| 25.5.00
| 140 |
| Received 26.7.00: published as First Special Report, Session 1999-2000.
Eighteenth Report | 23-xviii
| 30.5.00
| 61 |
Sixteenth Report | 23-xvi489
| 31.5.00
| 57 |
£9.70 |
Nineteenth Report | 23-xix
| 16.6.00
| 75 |
Twentieth Report | 23-xx
| 23.6.00
| 54 |
£9.70 |
Twenty-first Report |
23-xxi |
26.6.00 |
51 | £9.70
Twenty-second Report |
23-xxii |
28.6.00 |
39 | £8.00
Twenty-third Report |
23-xxiii |
13.7.00 |
45 | £8.80
Twenty-fourth Report |
23-xxiv |
24.7.00 |
54 | £9.70
Twenty-fifth Report |
23-xxv |
1.8.00 |
43 | £8.80
Twenty-sixth Report |
23-xxvi |
2.8.00 |
76 | £11.50
Twenty-eighth Report |
23-xxviii |
17.11.00 |
97 | £13.60
Twenty-seventh Report |
23-xxvii |
21.11.00 |
109 | £13.60
Thirtieth Report | 23-xxx
| 5.12.00
| 73 |
Twenty-ninth Report |
23-xxix |
14.12.00 |
143 | £15.90
Thirty-first Report |
23-xxxi |
15.12.00 |
93 | £12.50
First Special Report: Government Observations on the Committee's Seventeenth Report: The 2000 Inter-Governmental Conference
| 803 |
4.12.00 |
33 | £7.70
Minutes of Evidence: The Race Discrimination Directive
| 581 |
14.6.00 |
16 | £3.40
* The Committee does not require formal Government
replies to each Report, but reports Government responses on individual
documents throughout the Session
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee
for Session 1998-99 were published as HC 901, Session 1998-99.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000
will be published as HC 779, Session 1999-2000.
Date | Subject
24.11.00 | One, on an Amendment proposed to Chairman's draft Report.
24.5.00 | One, on an Amendment proposed to Chairman's draft Report.
7.6.00 | One, on Question, That the Committee's decision on 5 April 2000 to refer the White Paper on Environmental Liability for debate to European Standing Committee A be rescinded.
One, on an Amendment proposed to Chairman's draft Report.
The following were referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
Seventeenth Report, Session 1999-2000, The 2000 Inter-Governmental
Conference, on a Government Motion for the Adjournment (European
Affairs), (15.6.00).
Government Observations on the Committee's Seventeenth Report,
Session 1999-2000, The 2000 Inter-Governmental Conference,
on a Government Motion for the Adjournment (European Affairs),
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 7 of the Committee's 36 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
The 2000 Inter-Governmental Conference
| 6
The Race Discrimination Directive
| 1 |
eEurope Initiative |
1 |
Total | 7
The Committee also took oral evidence
on this inquiry in Session 1998-99; figures appear in the Return
for that Session (HC1 (1998-99))