15. Foreign Affairs
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 1997.
It had 12 Members. It held 43 meetings of its own, and 7 Members
participated in 4 "Quadripartite" meetings held concurrently
with the Defence, International Development and Trade and Industry
Committees. The Committee also held one meeting concurrently with
the Trade and Industry Committee. These meetings are abbreviated
to 'CM' in the attendance table below.
Members | Meetings attended
Donald Anderson, Mr (Chairman) | 42
Abbott, Ms Diane | 29 (including 3 CM)
Chidgey, Mr David | 29 (including 1 CM)
Emery, Sir Peter | 25 (including 1 CM)
Godman, Dr Norman | 24 (including 2 CM)
Illsley, Mr Eric | 34 (including 1 CM)
Mackinlay, Mr Andrew | 33
Madel, Sir David | 37
Maples, Mr John (added, 13.11.00) | 2
Rowlands, Mr Ted | 42 (including 5 CM)
Stanley, Sir John | 43 (including 5 CM)
Starkey, Dr Phyllis | 35 (including 1 CM)
Wilshire, Mr David (discharged, 13.11.00) |
13 |
Overall attendance: | 67.0 %
Number of Members added: | 1
Number of Members discharged: | 1
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
8 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Paul Silk, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Ms Tabitha Brufal, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (from
17.11.00 to 28.7.00); Mr Steven Mark, Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
(from 1.11.00).
Committee Assistant: Mr James Davies, Senior Executive Officer
(Band B1); assisted by Miss Ana Ferreira, Senior Office Clerk
(Band D1).
Committee Specialist: Mr Daniel Thornton (Band B1).
Secretary: Mrs Sheryl Bertasius, Secretary (Band C) (17.11.99
to 21.1.00 and 18.5.00 to 31.10.00); Ms Jo-Anne Crowder, Secretary
(Band C) (24.1.00 to 17.5.00).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Edwin Bacon, Mr Paul Bergne, Dr Wyn Bowen, Dr Shaun Breslin,
Dr Richard Caplan, Dr Stephen Pullinger, Dr Bill Thompson and
Ms Miranda Vickers.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 9 |
Other Ministers
| 6 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of
| |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
| 31 |
British Trade International
| 4 |
Appearances by other witnesses | 39
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
23-25.11.99 | Paris*
| 1 |
0 | Conference on the Balkans
| £503.53
28-29.11.99 | Sweden**
| 2 |
0 | Quadripartite Committee Inquiry into Strategic Export Controls
| £1,426.34
9-10.2.00 | Lisbon
| 9 |
2 | Work in preparation for the Portuguese Presidency of the EU
| £7,927.85
21-22.2.00 | Geneva
| 7 |
1 | Inquiry into Weapons of Mass Destruction
| £6,632.03
6-10.3.00 | Kosovo and Montenegro
| 10 |
2 | Inquiry into Kosovo
| £20,560 (estimated outturn)
19-23.3.00 | Washington and New York
| 8 |
2 | Inquiry into Weapons of Mass Destruction
| £42,850 (estimated outturn)
15-17.5.00 | Washington**
| 1 |
0 | Quadripartite Committee Inquiry into Strategic Export Controls
| £3,908.05
5-6.6.00 | Lisbon*
| 1 |
1 | Meeting of Chairmen of Foreign Affairs Committees of Parliaments of EU Member States, EU Applicant States and of the European Parliament
| £1,972.38
18-24.6.00 | China
| 9 |
2 | Inquiry into China
| £42,600 (estimated outturn)
4-6.7.00 | Paris*
| 1 |
1 | Meeting of Chairmen of Foreign Affairs Committees of Parliaments of EU Member States, EU Applicant States and of the European Parliament
| £1,372.44
17-18.10.00 | Paris
| 7 |
2 | Work in preparation for the French Presidency of the EU
| £5,660 (estimated outturn)
* Travel in a representative capacity
** Travel in a representative capacity as part of the Quadripartite
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
31.1. -1.2.00 | European Parliament, Brussels*
| 1 |
1 | Attendance at the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
| £864.93
* Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
29.11.99 | BBC Monitoring, Caversham
| 4 |
1 | Briefings on the work of BBC Monitoring
| £205.80
16.11.00 | Joint Entry Clearance Unit, Albert Embankment
| 2 |
1 | Tour of facility and briefings
| £34.45
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Annual Report on Human Rights 1999
| 41 |
3.2.00 |
79 | £11.50
| Cm 4687, published 30.3.00
Second Report: Annual Reports for 1997 and 1998 on Strategic Export Controls*
| 225 |
11.2.00 |
141 | £15.90
| Cm 4799, published 1.7.00
Third Report: Relations with the Russian Federation
| 101 |
28.2.00 |
332 | £24.70
| Cm 4715, published 4.5.00
Fourth Report: Kosovo
| 28-I |
7.6.00 |
134 | £15.90
| Cm 4825, published 8.8.00
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Kosovo
| 28-II |
7.6.00 |
378 | £28.50
| Not applicable
Fifth Report: Annual Reports of FCO and BTI
| 507 |
4.7.00 |
101 | £13.60
| Cm 4894, published 7.11.00
Sixth Report: Developments at the Intergovernmental Conference 2000
| 384 |
18.7.00 |
55 | £9.70
| Cm 4893, published 7.11.00
Seventh Report: Strategic Export Controls: Further Report and Parliamentary Prior Scrutiny*
| 467 |
25.7.00 |
72 | £10.60
| Cm 4872 published 8.12.00
Eighth Report: Weapons of Mass Destruction
| 407 |
2.8.00 |
289 | £22.00
| Cm 4884, published 31.10.00
Ninth Report: Gibraltar: Follow-up
| 863 |
9.8.00 |
66 | £10.60
| Cm 4892, published 31.10.00
Tenth Report: China
| 574-I |
29.11.00 |
89 | £12.50
| Awaited
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: China
| 574-II
| 29.11.00
| 262 |
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Helsinki European Council
| 68-i |
26.1.00 |
24 | £6.20
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Feira European Council
| 68-ii |
14.7.00 |
19 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Sierra Leone
| 519-i |
20.7.00 |
17 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Zimbabwe
| 447-i |
6.9.00 |
15 | £4.74
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Zimbabwe
| 447-ii
| 6.10.00
| 5 |
£2.25 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Developments in Israel and the Occupied Territories
| 935-i |
13.12.00 |
14 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Nice European Council
| 68-iii
| 11.1.01
| 25 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable
* Joint publication with the Defence, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees
Government replies to Reports for Session 1998-99
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99
were published on 14.2.00 as HC 903, Session 1998-99. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000 will be
published as HC781, Session 1999-2000.
Date | Subject
23.5.00 | Three, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on Kosovo.
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
Fourth Report, Session 1998-99, Gibraltar, 8.6.00.
The following Minutes of Evidence were referred to on the Order
Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Minutes of Evidence, 30 November 1999, HC68-i, on a Government
Motion for the Adjournment of the House, European Union,
Minutes of Evidence, 7 June 1999, HC68-ii, on a Government Motion
for the Adjournment of the House, European Union, 15.6.00.
Minutes of Evidence, 21 November 2000 HC68-iii, on a Government
Motion for the Adjournment of the House, European Union,
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 25 of the Committee's meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
Annual Report on Human Rights 1999
| 1 |
Relations with the Russian Federation
| 1* |
Kosovo | 5
Annual Reports of FCO and BTI International 2000
| 2 |
Developments at the Intergovernmental Conference 2000
| 1 |
Strategic Export Controls: Further Report and Parliamentary Prior Scrutiny
| 1*
Weapons of Mass Destruction
| 3 |
China | 3
Miscellaneous | 7
Total | 24
* The Committee took oral evidence on these
inquiries in Session 1998-99; figures appear in the Return for
that Session (HC1 (1998-99)
Jointly with the Defence, International Development
and Trade and Industry Committees