16. Health
The Committee was nominated on 14 July 1997.
It had 11 Members and held 40 meetings. This included
2 meetings held concurrently with the Agriculture Committee (abbreviated
to 'CM' in the attendance table below).
Members | Meetings attended
Hinchliffe, Mr David (Chairman) | 40 (including 2 CM)
Amess, Mr David | 35 (including 2 CM)
Austin, John | 32
Brand, Dr Peter | 30 (including 1 CM)
Burns, Mr Simon | 34 (including 1 CM)
Drown, Julia (discharged, 30.11.99) | 0
Gordon, Mrs Eileen (added, 30.11.99) | 30 (including 1 CM)
Gunnell, Mr John | 34
Hesford, Mr Stephen (added, 13.12.99) | 24
Lewis, Mr Ivan (discharged, 13.12.99) | 0
McDonagh, Siobhain (added, 27.11.00) | 0
Roe, Mrs Marion (added, 13.11.00) | 2 (including 1 CM)
Stoate, Dr Howard | 27 (including 2 CM)
Syms, Mr Robert (discharged, 13.11.00) |
3 |
Wise, Audrey (died, 2.9.00) | 15 (including 1 CM)
Overall attendance: | 69.5 %
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
36% |
Clerk of the Committee: Dr John Benger, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mr Tom Goldsmith, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (until
30.9.00, then Senior Clerk) (Band A2); Ms Sarah Ioannou, Assistant
Clerk (Band A3) (from 2.10.00).
Committee Specialists: Ms Suzanne O'Leary (Band B1); Ms Katherine
Wright (Band A2) (from 1.3.00 to 1.9.00).
Committee Assistant: Mr Francis McShane, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2).
Secretary: Miss Alexandra Richards, Secretary (Band D1).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Robert Bluglass CBE, Professor Nick Bosanquet, Mr
Seán Boyle, Professor Harry Burns, Professor Tom Burns,
Professor Joe Collier, Anna Coote, Mr Bob Dredge, Ms Angela Greatley,
Mr Richard Harbord, Professor Gerard Hastings, Professor David
Hunter, Professor Martin Jarvis, Professor Michael Kelly, Professor
Sir Richard Peto, Professor Allyson Pollock, Mr Ray Rowden and
Mr Chris Vellenoweth.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 4 |
Other Ministers
| 5 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of
| |
Department of Health
| 16 |
other departments
| 3 |
comprising: Home Office
| 3 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| |
comprising: Food Standards Agency
| 4 |
NHS Trusts
| |
comprising: Countess of Chester Hospital
| 1 |
Local Health Partnerships (Suffolk)
| 6 |
Mid Essex Hospital Services
| 2 |
Newcastle City Health
| 5 |
| 1 |
Health Authorities
| |
comprising: South Cheshire
| 2 |
North Essex
| 2 |
Special Health Authorities
| |
comprising: Health Development Agency
| 4 |
Rampton Special Hospital
| 1 |
Members of Parliament | 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses | 74
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
| Washington DC
| 6 |
2 | Inquiry into the Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| £39,014.93
| Havana, Cuba
| 9 |
2 | Inquiry into Public Health
| £38,696(estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
15-16.12.99 | European Commission, Brussels
| 7 |
3 | Inquiry into the Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| £2,881.43
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
17-18.1.00 | Scotland and the North East of England
| 7 |
4 | Inquiry into the Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| £5,381.13
26.1.00 | BAT Factory, Southampton and BAT Depository, Guildford
| 7 |
3 A
| Inquiry into the Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| £279.69
10-12.4.00 | Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham
| 4 |
8 B
| Inquiry into the Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| £3,945.01
9.5.00 | Broadmoor Special Hospital, Crowthorne, Berkshire
| 6 |
5 C
| Inquiry into the Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| £807.43
23.5.00 | HMP Belmarsh, Thamesmead, and the Bracton Centre Medium Secure Unit, Bexley
| 6 |
5 B
| Inquiry into the Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| £480.00
6.6.00 | St George's Hospital, Tooting, London
| 3 |
5 B
| Inquiry into the Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| £480.00
7.6.00 | Nafsiyat Inter-Cultural Therapy Centre, Finsbury Park, London
| 3 |
4 C
| Inquiry into the Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| £119.85
14-15.11.00 | Plymouth, Falmouth and Exeter
| 4 |
4 | Inquiry into Public Health
| £1,034 (estimated outturn)
22.11.00 | Bromley by Bow Centre, London
| 3 |
3 | Inquiry into Public Health
| £129 (estimated outturn)
A Includes 4 specialist
B Includes 2 specialist advisers
C Includes 1 specialist adviser
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: The Cost and Availability of Generic Drugs to the NHS
| 105 |
21.12.99 |
97 | £13.60
| Cm 4673, published 15.3.00
Second Report: The Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| 27 |
14.6.00 |
83 | £11.50
| Cm 4905, published 30.10.00
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: The Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| 27-II |
14.6.00 |
643 | £44.00
| Not applicable
Third Report: Consultants' Contracts
| 586-I |
6.7.00 |
26 | £6.50
| Cm 4930, published 27.11.00
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Consultants' Contracts
| 586-II
| 13.7.00
| 98 |
| Not applicable
Fourth Report: Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| 373-I |
24.7.00 |
90 | £12.50
| Cm 4888, published 27.10.00
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| 373-II
| 24.7.00
| 368 |
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence without a Report:
Winter Pressures in the NHS
| 266-i |
2.5.00 |
26 | £6.50
| Not applicable
The Role and Functioning of the General Medical Council
| 299-i |
18.4.00 |
32 | £8.00
| Not applicable
Food Standards Agency: Oral evidence taken jointly with the Agriculture Committee
| 354 |
13.4.00 |
19 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Public Expenditure and The National Plan
| 957-i |
11.12.00 |
27 | £7.00
| Not applicable
Public Expenditure and The National Plan
| 957-ii
| not yet published
| Not applicable
The Phillips Report and the Food Standards Agency
| 762 |
11.1.01 |
| £5.50
| Not applicable
Public Expenditure on Health and Personal Social Services 2000 (Memorandum by the Department of Health containing replies to a written questionnaire from the Committee)
| 882 |
27.10.00 |
200 | £22.00
| Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 1998-99
Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: The Regulation of
Private and other Independent Healthcare, published as Cm
4540 (3.12.99).
Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: Procedures related to
Adverse Clinical Incidents and Outcomes in Medical Care, published
as Cm 4698 (6.4.00).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99
were published on 8.2.00 as HC 904 (Session 1999-2000). The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000 will be
published as HC 782, Session 2000-01.
Date | Subject
26.6.00 | One, on an Amendment proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on Consultants' Contracts.
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
First Report, Session 1999-2000, The Cost and Availability
of Generic Drugs to the NHS, 17.5.00.
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 28 of the Committee's 40 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
The Cost and Availability of Generic Drugs to the NHS
| 1 |
The Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking
| 9 |
Consultants' Contracts |
2 |
Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
| 7 |
Winter Pressures in the NHS
| 1 |
The Role and Functioning of the General Medical Council
| 1 |
Food Standards Agency
| 1 |
Public Expenditure and the National Plan
| 2 |
Public Health* | 3
The Phillips Report and the Food Standards Agency
| 1 |
Total | 28
* The Committee did not complete this inquiry
in Session 1999-2000
Jointly with the Agriculture Committee