21. Modernisation of the House of Commons
The Committee was nominated on 4 June 1998.
It had 15 Members and held 16 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
*Beckett, Mrs Margaret (Chairman) | 16
Mrs Angela Browning (added, 25.10.99) | 2
Caplin, Mr Ivor | 16
Coffey, Ann (added, 9.2.00) | 12
Drew, Mr David (discharged, 20.1.00) | 1
Emery, Sir Peter | 14
Fitzsimons, Mrs Lorna | 16
Jackson, Ms Helen | 16
Pike, Mr Peter L | 14
Prentice, Mr Gordon | 8
Shepherd, Mr Richard | 15
Soley, Mr Clive | 12
Stunell, Mr Andrew | 14
Taylor, David (added, 20.1.00) | 12
Twigg, Mr Stephen (discharged, 9.2.00) |
3 |
Tyler, Mr Paul | 14
Winterton, Mr Nicholas | 15
Young, Sir George (discharged, 25.10.00) |
13 |
Overall attendance: | 83.2%
Number of Members added: | 3
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
20% |
* held a Ministerial post while being a member of the Committee
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Charles Winnifrith CB, Clerk of
Committees (Senior Structure Band 6).
Second Clerk: Mr Alan Sandall, Deputy Principal Clerk (Senior
Structure Band 2).
Committee Assistant: Miss Nerys Welfoot, Chief Office Clerk (Band
C) (until 312.99); Miss Carolyn Wilson, Chief Office Clerk (Band
C) (from 6.12.99).
Secretary: Miss Louise Sargent, Secretary (Band D1) (until 10.3.00);
Ms Jane Cooper, Secretary (Band D1)(from 13.3.00).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor R J Hynds.
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Facilities for the Media
| 408 |
10.4.00 |
8 | £2.55
| Not applicable
Second Report: Programming of Legislation and Timing of Votes
| 589 |
6.7.00 |
48 | £8.80
| Not applicable
Third Report: Thursday Sittings
| 954 |
6.11.00 |
12 | £3.70
| Not applicable
Fourth Report: Sittings in Westminster Hall
| 906 |
13.11.00 |
16 | £5.10
| Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 1998-99
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99
were published on 8.12.99 as HC 909, Session 1998-99. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000 will be
published as HC 788, Session 1999-2000.
Date | Subject
5.7.00 | Four, on questions arising during consideration of Chairman's draft Report on Programming of Legislation and Timing of Votes.
The following Reports were debated in
the House:
Third Report, Session 1999-2000, Thursday Sittings, 20.11.00.
Fourth Report, Session 1999-2000, Sittings in Westminster Hall,
The following Report was referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
Second Report, Session 1999-2000, Programming of Legislation
and Timing of Votes, on debate on Motions relating to programming
of bills and deferred divisions, 7.11.00.
Oral Evidence