22. Northern Ireland Affairs
The Committee was nominated on 28 July 1997.
It had 13 Members and held 34 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Brooke, Mr Peter (Chairman) | 34
Barnes, Mr Harry | 24
Beggs, Mr Roy | 31
Burgon, Mr Colin (added, 3.4.00) | 9
Clarke, Mr Tony (added, 24.1.00) | 22
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey (discharged, 12.6.00)
| 15 |
Grogan, Mr John | 22
Hesford, Mr Stephen (discharged, 24.1.00) |
4 |
Hunter, Mr Andrew | 23
McCabe, Mr Stephen | 18
McGrady, Mr Eddie | 17
McWalter, Mr Tony (discharged, 3.4.00) |
6 |
Palmer, Dr Nick (added, 13.12.00) | 14
Pound, Mr Stephen | 29
*Robinson, Mr Peter | 15
Salter, Mr Martin (discharged, 13.12.99) |
1 |
Thompson, Mr William (added, 12.6.00) | 11
Overall attendance: | 66.7%
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 4
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
31% |
* held a Northern Ireland Executive Ministerial post while being
a member of the Committee
Clerk of the Committee: Dr Christopher Ward, Deputy Principal
Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2).
Committee Assistant: Mr Andy Hubner, Higher Executive Officer
(Band A2).
Secretary: Mrs Yvonne Platt, Secretary (Band D1).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Tony Bottoms and Dr Andrew Coyle.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories
of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 1 |
Other Ministers
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of
| |
Northern Ireland Office
| 5 |
other departments
| |
comprising: Northern Ireland Departments
| 6 |
Executive agencies
| |
comprising: Northern Ireland Prison Service
| 3 |
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| |
| |
Northern Ireland Economic Council
| 2 |
Northern Ireland Tourist Board
| 2 |
Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company
| 5 |
Parades Commission
| 1 |
Members of the Northern Ireland Executive |
1 |
Members of the House of Lords | 1
Appearances by other witnesses
| 36 |
Overseas Visits
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
14-15.12.99 | Northern Ireland
| 5 |
3* | Inquiry into Current Problems relating to the Livestock Industry in Northern Ireland
| £2,987.21
2.2.00 | Belfast
| 11 |
2 | Publication of First Report
| £3,439.63
13-14.3.00 | Belfast and Ballymena
| 11 |
3* | Inquiry into public expenditure in Northern Ireland - Inward Investment
| £4,498.13
8-9.5.00 | Belfast
| 9 |
3* | Inquiry into public expenditure in Northern Ireland - InwardInvestment
| £4,675.14
11-12.7.00 | Northern Ireland
| 6 |
2 | Inquiry into Parades Commission
| £3,382.18
4.8.00 | Belfast
| 6 |
2 | Publication of Fourth and Fifth Reports
| £1,669.40
28-29.11.00 | Belfast
| 11 |
3* | Inquiry into Parades Commission
| £4,600 (estimated outturn )
* Includes 1 shorthand writer
Visits to European Institutions
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Scrutiny of Non-Departmental Bodies in Northern Ireland
| 179 and 80-I (1998-99) 1201 (1997-98)
| 2.2.00
| 68 |
| Not required
Second Report: Current Problems relating to the Livestock Industry in Northern Ireland
| 62897-i(1998-99)
| 14.3.00
| 128 |
| Received 24.5.00: published as Second Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Third Report: The Northern Ireland Office 2000 Departmental Report
| 450 |
27.4.00 |
5 | £2.25
| Letters to Clerk of Committee, received 23.6.00 and 12.7.00
Fourth Report: Northern Ireland Railways: Financial Provision for New Rolling Stock in 2000-01
| 512 |
4.8.00 |
103 | £13.50
Fifth Report: Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Inward Investment
| 198-I |
4.8.00 |
34 | £8.00
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Inward Investment
| 198-II 551-I (Session 1998-99)
| 4.8.00
| 219 |
| Not applicable
First Special Report: Devolution and the Work of the Committee
| 178 |
28.1.00 |
4 | £1.45
| Not required
Second Special Report: Government Response to the Second Report from the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee: Current Problems relating to the Livestock Industry in Northern Ireland, HC 62
| 535 |
26.5.00 |
6 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Recent Political Developments in Northern Ireland
| 409-i |
16.5.00 |
15 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99
were published on 29.2.00 as HC 910, Session 1998-99. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000 will be
published as HC 789, Session 1999-2000.
The following Reports were debated in Westminster Hall:
Fourth Report, Session 1997-98, The Prison Service in Northern
Ireland, HC 716; and the Government Response thereto (Session
1998-99, HC 299), 27.1.00.
Fourth Report, Session 1998-99, The Operation of the Fair Employment
(Northern Ireland) Act 1989: Ten Years On, 15.3.00.
The following Report was debated in the Northern Ireland Grand
Second Report, Session 1999-2000, Current Problems relating
to the Livestock Industry in Northern Ireland, HC 62, 13.4.00.
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 24 of the Committee's 34 meetings.
On one of these occasions evidence was taken partly in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
Scrutiny of Non-Departmental Public Bodies in Northern Ireland
| 1
Current Problems relating to the Livestock Industry in Northern Ireland
| 3 |
Recent political developments in Northern Ireland
| 1 |
Northern Ireland Railways: Financial Provision for New Rolling Stock
| 2 |
Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Inward Investment
| 9* |
Northern Ireland Prison Service
| 3 |
Parades Commission |
3 |
Relocation following paramilitary intimidation
| 1# |
Resource Accounting and Estimate for Class XV, Vote 2, 2000-01
| 1 |
Total | 24
The Committee also took oral evidence
on this inquiry in Sessions 1997-98 and 1998-99; figures appear
in the Returns for those Sessions (HC 142 (1998-99) and HC 1 (1999-2000))
* The Committee also took oral evidence on this inquiry in
Session 1998-99; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC1 (1999-2000)
# The Committee did not complete this inquiry in Session 1999-2000