Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Improving the Delivery of Government IT Projects
| 65 |
5.1.00 |
35 | £8.00
| Cm 4656, published 16.3.00
Second Report: Financial Management and Governance at Gwent Tertiary College
| 102 |
12.1.00 |
68 | £10.60
| Cm 4656, published 16.3.00
Third Report: Appropriation Accounts 1997-98 Class XII, Vote 1 (Central Government Administered Social Security Benefits and Other Payments)
| 103 |
13.1.00 |
57 | £9.70
| Cm 4656, published 16.3.00
Fourth Report: The Government Resources and Accounts Bill
| 127 |
6.1.00 |
16 | £5.10
| Cm 4695, published 12.4.00
Fifth Report: NHS (England) Summarised Accounts 1997-98
| 128 |
19.1.00 |
43 | £8.80
| Cm 4688, published 30.3.00
Sixth Report: The Arts Council of England: Monitoring Major Capital Projects Funded by the National Lottery
| 129 |
20.1.00 |
43 | £8.80
| Cm 4688, published 30.3.00
Seventh Report: Home Office: The Immigration and Nationality Directorate's Casework Programme
| 130 |
26.1.00 |
57 | £9.70
| Cm 4688, published 30.3.00
Eighth Report: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets: Giving Customers a ChoiceThe Introduction of Competition into the Domestic Gas Market
| 171 |
3.2.00 |
39 | £8.80
| Cm 4732, published 18.5.00
Ninth Report: Government Resources and Accounts Bill
| 159 |
22.2.00 |
46 | £8.80
| Cm 4695, published 12.4.00
Tenth Report: Excess Votes 1998-99
| 282 |
8.3.00 |
9 | £3.70
| Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Improving VAT Assurance
| 75 |
29.3.00 |
36 | £8.00
| Cm 4732, published 18.5.00
Twelfth Report: The PFI Contract for the New Dartford and Gravesham Hospital
| 131 |
7.4.00 |
56 | £9.70
| Cm 4758, published 28.6.00
Thirteenth Report: The 1992 and 1998 Information Management and Technology Strategies of the NHS Executive
| 406 |
13.4.00 |
30 | £7.00
| Cm 4758, published 28.6.00
Fourteenth Report: Child Support Agency: Client Funds Account 1998-99
| 184 |
20.4.00 |
41 | £8.80
| Cm 4758, published 28.6.00
Fifteenth Report: Ministry of Defence: The Procurement of Non-Combat Vehicles for the Royal Air Force
| 172 |
19.4.00 |
31 | £8.00
| Cm 4758, published 28.6.00
Sixteenth Report: Vehicle Emissions Testing
| 189 |
4.5.00 |
30 | £7.00
| Cm 4758, published 28.6.00
Seventeenth Report: Irregularities in Accounting for Visa Fees in Calcutta
| 226 |
24.5.00 |
47 | £8.80
| Cm 4798, published 20.7.00
Eighteenth Report: The Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland
| 66 |
25.5.00 |
54 | £9.70
| Cm 4822, published 25.7.00
Nineteenth Report: The Contributions Agency: The Newcastle Estate Development Project
| 104 |
7.6.00 |
45 | £8.80
| Cm 4798, published 20.7.00
Twentieth Report: NHS Executive: The Management of Medical Equipment in NHS Acute Trusts in England
| 173 |
9.6.00 |
27 | £7.00
| Cm 4863, published 12.10.00
Twenty-first Report: Government on the Web
| 331 |
14.6.00 |
43 | £8.80
| Cm 4863, published 12.10.00
Twenty-second Report: Highways Agency: Getting Best Value from the Disposal of Property
| 231 |
15.6.00 |
43 | £8.80
| Cm 4863, published 12.10.00
Twenty-third Report: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions: English PartnershipsAssisting Local Regeneration
| 283 |
21.6.00 |
37 | £8.00
| Cm 4863, published 12.10.00
Twenty-fourth Report: The Passport Delays of Summer 1999
| 208 |
28.6.00 |
63 | £10.60
| Cm 4863, published 12.10.00
Twenty-fifth Report: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Progress made on the Committee's Recommendations
| 257 |
5.7.00 |
26 | £6.50
| Cm 4886, published 19.10.00
Twenty-sixth Report: The Private Finance Initiative: The Contract for the Defence Fixed Telecommunications System
| 413 |
7.7.00 |
36 | £8.00
| Cm 4886, published 19.10.00
Twenty-seventh Report: Criminal Justice: Working Together
| 298 |
12.7.00 |
49 | £9.70
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Twenty-eighth Report: Inland Revenue/EDS Strategic Partnership: The Award of New Work
| 431 |
13.7.00 |
32 | £8.00
| Cm 4886, published 19.10.00
Twenty-ninth Report: Progress on Resource Accounting and the Adoption of Resource-based Supply
| 556 |
1.8.00 |
195 | £19.50
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirtieth Report: Compensating Victims of Violent Crime
| 472 |
2.8.00 |
40 | £8.80
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-first Report: National Insurance Fund 1998-99 and Wider Issues of Fraud and Error in Benefits Paid by the Department of Social Security
| 350 |
9.8.00 |
42 | £8.80
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-second Report: Appropriation Account 1998-99 (Class XII Vote 1): Central Social Security benefits and other Payments Administered by Central Government
| 521 |
11.8.00 |
44 | £8.80
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-third Report: Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 1998
| 247 |
16.8.00 |
41 | £8.80
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-fourth Report: State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme: The Failure to inform the Public about Reduced Pension Rights for Widows and Widowers
| 401 |
17.8.00 |
43 | £8.80
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-fifth Report: The Office of the Rail Regulator: Ensuring that Railtrack maintain and renew the Railway Network
| 536 |
23.8.00 |
46 | £9.70
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-sixth Report: Ministry of Defence: Appropriation Accounts 1998-99
| 265 |
25.8.00 |
34 | £8.00
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-seventh Report: The Office of Fair Trading: Protecting the Customer from Unfair Trading Practices
| 501 |
30.8.00 |
38 | £8.00
| Cm 4901, published 16.11.00
Thirty-eighth Report: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: The Sheep Annual Premium Scheme in England
| 362 |
24.11.00 |
38 | £8.00
| Awaited
Thirty-ninth Report: HM Customs and Excise: Revenue from Gambling Duties
| 423 |
8.11.00 |
33 | £8.00
| Awaited
Fortieth Report: National Savings: Public-Private Partnership with Siemens Business Services
| 566 |
15.11.00 |
31 | £8.00
| Awaited
Forty-first Report: The Gaming Board: Better Regulation
| 611 |
16.11.00 |
36 | £8.00
| Awaited
Forty-second Report: The Management and Control of Hospital Acquired Infection in Acute NHS Trusts in England
| 306 |
23.11.00 |
45 | £8.80
| Awaited
Forty-third Report: Hip Replacements: Getting it Right First Time
| 513 |
20.12.00 |
45 | £8.80
| Awaited
Forty-fourth Report: Ministry of Defence: Accepting Equipment Off-Contract and into Service
| 319 |
30.11.00 |
47 | £8.80
| Awaited
Forty-fifth Report: Ministry of Defence: Acceptance of the Chinook Mk 2 Helicopter
| 975 |
30.11.00 |
85 | £12.50
| Awaited
Forty-sixth Report: Ministry of Defence: Kosovo: The Financial Management of Military Operations
| 582 |
21.12.00 |
44 | £8.80
| Awaited
Forty-seventh Report: The National Health Service Executive Valedictory Hearing:Sir Alan Langlands
| 624 |
19.12.00 |
34 | £8.00
| Awaited