34. Treasury Committee
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 1997.
It had 12 Members and held 43 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Radice, Mr Giles (Chairman) | 43
Beard, Mr Nigel (added, 21.2.00) | 32
Blackman, Mrs Liz | 37
Cable, Dr Vincent (discharged, 22.11.99) |
0 |
Cousins, Mr Jim | 35
Davey, Mr Edward (added, 22.11.99) | 31
Fallon, Mr Michael | 31
Kidney, Mr David | 31
Moonie, Dr Lewis (discharged, 21.2.00) |
4 |
Plaskitt, Mr James (added, 29.11.99) | 39
Ruffley, Mr David | 32
Sedgemore, Mr Brian | 9
Smith, Jacqui (discharged, 29.11.99) | 0
Spicer, Sir Michael | 24
Taylor, Sir Teddy | 25
Overall attendance: | 72.3 %
Number of Members added: | 3
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
25 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Simon Patrick, Deputy Principal
Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2)
Second Clerk: Mr Mark Egan, Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Assistant: Ms Jane Fox, Senior Executive Officer (Band
Committee Specialists: Mr Jonathan Lepper (Band B1) and Mr Timothy
Jarrett (Band B1).
Secretary: Miss Carolyn Wilson, Secretary (Band C) (until 3.12.99);
Ms Lisette Andrews, Secretary (Band C) (from 6.12.99 until 30.9.00);
Miss Susan Wakeling (Band C) (from 1.10.00)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr Michael Cruickshank, Senior Office Clerk
(Band D1).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Charles Bean, Mr Roger Bootle, Professor Jane Broadbent,
Professor David Heald, Mr Michael Kerr, Professor David Miles,
Mrs Bridget Rosewell, Professor Andrew Scott, Mr Michael Spackman,
Mr David Walton and Professor Christine Whitehead.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories
of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 6 |
Other Ministers
| 4 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of
| |
HM Treasury
| 35 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 30 |
comprising: Bank of England
| 23 |
Financial Services Authority
| 7 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 78 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
6-8.6.00 | Frankfurt and Berlin
| 11 |
2 | Inquiry into Economic and Monetary Union
| £14,600 (estimated outturn)
24-28.10.00 | New York and Washington
| 10 |
2 | Discussions with New York Stock Exchange, IMF and World Bank, the US Government, the Federal Reserve Bank, Banking regulators and major banks
| £49,084 (estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
9.5.00 | Financial Services Authority, London
| 8 |
2 | Briefing on the work of the Financial Services Authority
| £165.00
22.6.00 | French Embassy
| 10 |
1 | Briefing on European issues
| £183.30
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (1999-2000)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages
| Sale price
| Government reply
First Report: Research Assistance for Monetary Policy Committee Members
| 43 |
9.12.99 |
45 | £8.80
| Not required
Second Report: HM Customs and Excise
| 53 |
15.2.00 |
330 | £25
| Received 15.4.00: published as Second Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Third Report: The International Monetary Fund
| 72 |
18.2.00 |
123 | £15.90
| Received 26.6.00: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Fourth Report: The Private Finance Initiative
| 147 |
23.3.00 |
154 | £17.00
| Received 3.7.00 and 22.10.00: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 1999-2000 and Ninth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Fifth Report: The 2000 Budget
| 379 |
13.4.00 |
110 | £13.60
| Received 12.6.00: published as Third Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Sixth Report: Government's Cash and Debt Management
| 154 |
25.5.00 |
309 | £22.80
| Received 27.7.00: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Seventh Report: The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings
| 520-I |
24.5.00 |
8 | £2.55
| Received 28.7.00: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings
| 520-II
| 30.6.00
| 40 |
£8.00 |
Not applicable
Eighth Report: Economic and Monetary Union
| 573-I |
28.7.00 |
55 | £9.70
| Received 31.10.00: published as Tenth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Economic and Monetary Union
| 573-II
| 7.8.00
| 242 |
| Not applicable
Ninth Report: Spending Review 2000
| 485 |
3.8.00 |
87 | £11.50
| Received 9.10.00: Published as Eighth Special Report, Session 1999-2000
Tenth Report: The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearing
| 940-I |
1.11.00 |
5 | £2.55
| Not required
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearing
| 940-II
| 30.11.00
| 20 |
£5.80 |
Not applicable
First Special Report: Government Response to Tenth Report of 1998-99: Valuation Office Agency
| 197 |
31.1.00 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Second Special Report: Government Response to Second Report of Session 1999-2000: HM Customs and Excise
| 442 |
20.4.00 |
19 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Third Special Report: Government Response to Fifth Report of Session 1999-2000: The 2000 Budget
| 572 |
15.6.00 |
11 | £3.40
| Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to Third Report of Session 1999-2000: The International Monetary Fund
| 628 |
29.6.00 |
8 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Government Response to Fourth Report of Session 1999-2000: The Private Finance Initiative
| 706 |
13.7.00 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: Government Response to Sixth Report of Session 1999-2000: Government's Cash and Debt Management
| 869 |
28.7.00 |
14 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Government Response to Seventh Report of Session 1999-2000: The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings
| 859 |
2.8.00 |
5 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: Government Response to Ninth Report of Session1999-2000 : Spending Review 2000
| 941 |
2.11.00 |
8 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Ninth Special Report: Supplementary Government Response to Fourth Report of Session 1999-2000: The Private Finance Initiative
| 942 |
2.11.00 |
5 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Tenth Special Report: Government Response to Eighth Report of Session 1999-2000: Economic and Monetary Union
| 983 |
16.11.00 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN)
| 232-i |
24.3.00 |
19 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Bank of England February Inflation Report
| 286-i & ii
| 10.4.00
| 41 |
£8.80 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Resource Accounting and Budgeting
| 308-i |
5.6.00 |
149 | £17.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Financial Services Authority
| 336-i |
19.4.00 |
19 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Banking
| 443-i |
18.5.00 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: London Stock Exchange
| 508-i |
30.6.00 |
25 | £6.20
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Bank of England May Inflation Report
| 523-i & ii
| 30.6.00
| 43 |
£8.80 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Financial Services Authority
| 336-ii
| 21.12.00
| 51 |
£8.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The London Stock Exchange
| 508-ii
| 22.12.00
| 40 |
£4.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: 2000 Pre-Budget Report
| 988-i to iii
| 8.1.01
| 89 |
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Bank of England November Inflation Report
| 760-i & ii
| 22.1.01
| 42 |
£8.80 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99
were published on 3.4.00 as HC 921, Session 1998-99. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000 will be
published as HC 800, Session 1999-2000.
Date | Subject
6.12.99 | One, on Question, That the Report be the First Report of the Committee to the House [Research Assistance for Monetary Policy Committee Members]
15.2.00 | Four, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on the International Monetary Fund
20.3.00 | Four, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on the Private Finance Initiative
11.4.00 | Twelve, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on The 2000 Budget
11.4.00 | One, on Question, That the Report be the Fifth Report of the Committee to the House [The 2000 Budget]
22.5.00 | One, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings
13.6.00 | One, on Question, That the Committee do consider the Government's Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report [The 2000 Budget]
26.7.00 | Thirty-four, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on Economic and Monetary Union
26.7.00 | One, on Question, That the Committee do hold a Press Conference on the Report on Friday 28 July
1.8.00 | Two, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Special Report on The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings: The Government's Response to the Committee's Seventh Report
1.8.00 | Eighteen, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on Spending Review 2000
1.8.00 | One, on Question, That the Committee do hold a Press Conference on the Report on Thursday 3 August at 11 o'clock
The following Report was debated in the House:
Second Report, Session 1999-2000, HM Customs and Excise,
on an Estimates Day, under Standing Order No. 54, 6.7.00.
The following Report was referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
Fifth Report, Session 1999-2000, The 2000 Budget, on Second
Reading of the Finance Bill, 17.4.00.
The following Minutes of Evidence were referred to on the Order
Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Minutes of Evidence, 10 May 2000, HC 485-i, on Spending Review
2000, on a debate on Public Expenditure, 20.7.00.
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 37 of the Committee's 43 meetings.
On 4 of these occasions evidence was taken wholly in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
The Bank of England: |
Research Assistance for Monetary Policy Committee Members and November Inflation Report
| 2 |
The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings
| 2 |
February Inflation Report
| 2 |
November Inflation Report
| 2 |
May Inflation Report |
2 |
International Monetary Fund
| 3 |
The Private Finance Initiative
| 3
The 2000 Budget | 3
Economic and Monetary Union
| 6# |
Spending Review 2000 |
3# |
Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN)
| 1 |
Resource Accounting and Budgeting
| 1 |
Financial Services Authority
| 2 |
Banking* | 1
London Stock Exchange |
2 |
Pre-Budget Report | 3
Total | 38#
* The Committee did not complete this inquiry
in Session 1999-2000
# Includes sessions covering more than one subject
The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in
Session 1998-99; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC 1 (1998-99))