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House of Commons
Session 2001- 02
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business 22 January 2002

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for 22 January 2002.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

At 2.30 p.m.      Prayers
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Health
*1 Mr Robert N. Wareing (Liverpool, West Derby):    What plans he has to re-open accident and emergency units which were closed during the last decade.
( 26359 )
*2 Sir Teddy Taylor (Rochford & Southend East):    If he will make a statement on his plans to increase the number of care beds across the country.
( 26361 )
*3 Mr Neil Gerrard (Walthamstow):    What steps he will be taking to monitor HIV prevention work after April.
( 26362 )
*4 The Reverend Martin Smyth (Belfast South):    How many health authorities purchased services outwith their region in the last 12 months.
( 26363 )
*5 Mr Gary Streeter (South West Devon):    What assessment he has made of the capacity of Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, to meet the acute health needs of its community.
( 26364 )
*6 Sandra Gidley (Romsey):    If he will make a statement on the sexual health strategy.
( 26365 )
*7 Dr Vincent Cable (Twickenham):    If he will make a statement on the change in the proportion of babies born by Caesarian section in the last five years.
( 26366 )
*8 Mr John Smith (Vale of Glamorgan):    What steps he is taking to improve the recruitment of nurses into the NHS.
( 26367 )
*9 Mrs Anne Campbell (Cambridge):    What action he is taking to increase the supply of radiographers.
( 26368 )
*10 Dr Julian Lewis (New Forest East):    If he will make a statement on the future of the Lymington Community Hospital.
( 26369 )
*11 Helen Jones (Warrington North):    What progress has been made in appointing more people from the Warrington North constituency to serve on health authorities and trusts.
( 26370 )
*12 Mr Richard Bacon (South Norfolk):    What discussions he has had with the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions and the Highways Agency, concerning the provision of an access road for the New Norfolk and Norwich Hospital; and if he will make a statement.
( 26371 )
*13 Geraint Davies (Croydon Central):    What plans his Department has to support the provision of sustainable jobs for those with mental and physical disabilities in Croydon.
( 26372 )
*14 Mr Nick Gibb (Bognor Regis & Littlehampton):    How many beds for elderly people have been lost in residential homes between May 1997 and the latest available date.
( 26373 )
*15 Mr Ben Chapman (Wirral South):    If he will make a statement on the availability of NHS dentistry.
( 26374 )
*16 Mr Fabian Hamilton (Leeds North East):    If he will make a statement on the reconfiguration of hospital services in Leeds.
( 26375 )
*17 Mr Jim Cousins (Newcastle upon Tyne Central):    What steps he is taking to reduce unnecessary delays in discharges from hospital.
( 26376 )
*18 Ms Meg Munn (Sheffield, Heeley):    What recent measures he has introduced to improve the performance of local authority social services.
( 26377 )
*19 John Cryer (Hornchurch):    What progress is being made in reducing delayed discharges from hospital.
( 26378 )
*20 Mr Chris Bryant (Rhondda):    When he expects a resolution of the renegotiation of the general practioners' contract for England and Wales.
( 26379 )
*21 Mrs Louise Ellman (Liverpool, Riverside):    What progress has been made on establishing a centre of excellence for cleft lip and palate services in the North West.
( 26380 )
*22 David Wright (Telford):    What investment has taken place in the last five years on accident and emergency facilities in England and Wales.
( 26381 )
*23 Mr Peter Pike (Burnley):    What steps he proposes to take in 2002 to improve the provision of NHS dental treatment.
( 26383 )
*24 Derek Wyatt (Sittingbourne & Sheppey):    What representations he has made to his counterpart in the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions to ensure that local primary care trusts are included as statutory bodies with respect to the proposed changes to the local government planning regime.
( 26384 )
*25 Mr David Lepper (Brighton, Pavilion):    What progress has been made at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton following the publication of hospital star ratings.
( 26385 )
*26 Tom Brake (Carshalton & Wallington):    If he will make a statement on his plans to reduce waiting times and waiting lists in the NHS.
( 26386 )
*27 Stephen Hesford (Wirral West):    What steps are being taken to tackle health inequalities; and if he will make a statement.
( 26387 )
*28 Mr Graham Brady (Altrincham & Sale West):    If he will make a statement on the current programme for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
( 26388 )
*29 Ms Karen Buck (Regent's Park & Kensington North):    What progress he has made in tackling health inequalities.
( 26389 )
*30 Dr Doug Naysmith (Bristol North West):    If he will make a statement on developments in the treatment of mental health patients in the Avon Health Authority area.
( 26390 )
*31 Linda Perham (Ilford North):    What plans he has to revise the funding formula for the allocation of resources to health authorities in England and Wales.
( 26391 )
*32 Mr David Heath (Somerton & Frome):    What his policy is on the treatment of migrainous headaches and migraine.
( 26392 )
*33 Mr Gwyn Prosser (Dover):    What progress he is making on the provision of treatment for NHS patients overseas.
( 26393 )
*34 Mr Henry Bellingham (North West Norfolk):    What plans he has to improve physical access to the new Norfolk and Norwich Hospital; and if he will make a statement.
( 26394 )
*35 Paul Farrelly (Newcastle-under-Lyme):    What progress he is making in his negotiations with hospital consultants on their new NHS contracts, with particular reference to the proposed seven year rule; and if he will make a statement.
( 26395 )
*36 Dr Ian Gibson (Norwich North):    What potential new diseases he has identified in the United Kingdom as a result of global warming.
( 26396 )
*37 Mr Gerald Howarth (Aldershot):    If he will make a statement on the change in the number of care home places since 1996.
( 26397 )
*38 Mr Jonathan R. Shaw (Chatham & Aylesford):    What steps he takes to monitor the safety of privately fostered children.
( 26398 )

At 3.30 p.m.Private Notice Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)

Preliminary Business

Ten minute rule Motion


ENDANGERED SPECIES (ILLEGAL TRADE)        [Up to 20 minutes]

Mr David Amess

        That leave be given to bring in a Bill to increase penalties for offences under the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976.

        The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to ten minutes (Standing Order No. 23).

Main Business

+  2  

OPPOSITION DAY [8th allotted day]        [Until 10.00 p.m.]



Mr Iain Duncan Smith
Dr Liam Fox
Mrs Theresa May
Mr Damian Green
Mr Tim Collins
David Maclean

        That this House regrets the confusion over Government policy on the public services, which has contributed to a lack of morale and direction for those working within them and dependent upon them; urges Ministers to explain why they believe that greater private sector involvement and leadership will be good for the NHS but in their view was bad for Railtrack; requests the Secretary of State for Health to clarify whether it is his aim that there should be `one monopoly provider' of health care or whether he believes that the NHS should `no longer be a monopoly provider of care'; condemns the appointment of the unelected Lord Birt to preside over transport strategy; agrees with the Minister for Europe that Britain now has the worst rail network in Europe; deplores the fact that Labour Ministers failed to give priority to transport in their first term; further condemns the multiple failures of the Government's Education and Skills policy, including the collapse of the ILA scheme, the closure of Education Action Zones, and the reversal of the policy of exclusions, as well as the high numbers of teachers leaving the profession, the confusion over exam grades and the failure to consult over the future of student funding; calls for an end to the flow of paperwork and circulars from Whitehall which burden and undermine the professionalism of teachers; and, while paying tribute to the immense skill and dedication of many public servants, shares the public's disappointment that the standards of many public services are well below those prevailing in the rest of Europe.

        As Amendments to Mr Iain Duncan Smith's proposed Motion (State of the Public Services):

Mr Charles Kennedy
Mr A. J. Beith
Dr Evan Harris
Mr Don Foster
Mr Phil Willis
Mr Andrew Stunell

        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `notes the parlous state of public services following years of underfunding, excessive centralisation and unnecessary bureaucracy forced upon them by successive governments; regrets the failure of the Labour Government to admit in the General Election to the need for additional fair taxation to provide the resources for first class public services; regrets the confusion caused by the Government's handling of the placing of Railtrack into administration; condemns the attempt to shift the blame for their failure to deliver on their promises onto dedicated and skilled local government, hospital, school and other public sector staff, resulting in a crisis in morale, recruitment and retention; and further notes the continued failure of the Conservative opposition to offer a credible way forward given their commitment to cut public spending and impose additional charges.'.

The Prime Minister
Mr Secretary Prescott
Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
Mr Secretary Byers
Mr Secretary Milburn
Secretary Estelle Morris

        Line      1,      leave out from `House' to end and add `welcomes the Government's commitment to investment and reform in the public services and notes the contrast with 18 years of Conservative government, typified by under-investment and botched privatisations; recognises the progress being made on raising school standards, improving safety on the railways, cutting waiting times for NHS treatment and reducing levels of crime; wishes to see the ethos of public service strengthened in the country and recognises the importance of high quality public services to the creation of a fairer society; acknowleges the important role of public servants in achieving a fairer society and the contribution made to staff morale of growing staff numbers and rising staff pay; welcomes sustained investment in health, education, police, transport and local government and other areas of public service; believes that the Prime Minister's Principles of Public Service Reform are important to maximise the benefit gained from higher levels of public service investment; further believes that where public services do well they should benefit from greater decentralisation of power and resources, lighter inspection and greater local control; further believes that where public services fail to reach acceptable standards the Government has a responsibility to provide additional support and intervention whether that provider is in the public sector or, as with Railtrack, in the private sector; and contrasts this approach with that of the Opposition which tolerates failure in the railways, has no coherent plans to raise school standards, supports charging for NHS patients and wishes to cap government spending at 35 per cent. of GDP resulting in cuts to public services of at least £50 billion.'.

        The selection of the matters to be debated this day has been made by the Leader of the Oppostion (Standing Order No. 14(2)).

Debate may continue until 10.00 p.m.

+  3  


Ms Secretary Hewitt

        That the draft Financial Assistance for Industry (Increase of Limit) Order 2002, which was laid before this House on 8th January, be approved.

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).

+  4  

POLICE        [No debate]

Mr Secretary Reid

        That the draft Police Emblems and Flags Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002, which were laid before this House on 9th January, be approved.

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).

At the end of the sitting



        Proposed subject: Lord Haskins' report on rural recovery (Mr Eric Martlew).

        Debate may continue until 10.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9).



1Employment Bill (Programming Sub-Committee) (of Standing Committee F)10.25 a.m.Room 12 (private)
2Standing Committee A10.30 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Room 9 (public)
Further to consider the Tax Credits Bill.
3Standing Committee B10.30 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Room 11 (public)
Further to consider the Proceeds of Crime Bill.
4Standing Committee D10.30 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Room 14 (public)
Further to consider the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill [Lords].
5Standing Committee F10.30 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Room 12 (public)
Further to consider the Employment Bill.
6Standing Committee G10.30 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Room 10 (public)
Further to consider the Education Bill.
7Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation10.30 a.m.Room 5 (public)
To consider the draft Postal Services Act 2000 (Determination of Turnover for Penalties) (Amendment) Order 2001 and the draft Postal Services Act 2000 (Modification of Section 7) Order 2002.
8Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation10.30 a.m.Room 6 (public)
To consider the draft Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Dissolution) Order 2002.


9International Development9.30 a.m.The European Commission Buildings, Brussels (private)
10Deregulation and Regulatory Reform9.30 a.m.Room 19 (private)
11Transport, Local Government and the Regions: Urban Affairs Sub-Committee9.45 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
Room 16 (private)
Subject: Tall Buildings.
Witnesses: Judith Mayhew, Corporation of London, Mr Simon Jenkins, Columnist, and Representatives from Westminster City Council and Bath & North East Somerset Council.
12Foreign Affairs10.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Room 15 (private)
Subject: Foreign Policy Aspects of the War Against Terrorism.
Witnesses: Mr Paul Bergne, formerly the Prime Minister's special envoy to Afghanistan; Professor Paul Wilkinson, University of St Andrews (at 11.10 a.m.); Mr Michael Keating, Director, Aid and Socio-economic Affairs and Mr Andrew Gilmour, Chief, Regional Affairs and Senior Political Advisor, UN Special Co-ordinator's Office (at 11.50 a.m.).
13Home Affairs10.15 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Room 8 (private)
Subject: The Government's Drugs Policy: Is It Working?
Witnesses: Mr David Raynes, National Drug Prevention Alliance, Mr Fred Broughton OBE, Police Federation, Mary Brett, Dr Challoner's Grammar School, and Baroness Greenfield, CBE, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford.
14Treasury10.00 a.m.

10.30 a.m.
The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
Subject: London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE).
Witnesses: Sir Brian Williamson KCB, Chairman, LIFFE, Hugh Freedberg, Chief Executive, LIFFE, Jean-Franc"ois The«odore, Chairman (Managing Board) and Chief Executive, Euronext, and George Mo­ller, Chief Operating Officer, Euronext; Clara Furse, Chief Executive, Mr Martin Wheatley, Deputy Chief Executive, and Mr Jonathan Howell, Director of Finance, London Stock Exchange (at 11.30 a.m.).
15Culture, Media and Sport10.30 a.m.

10.45 a.m.
The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House (private)
Subject: Communications.
Witnesses: Mr Gavyn Davies, Chairman, Mr Greg Dyke, Director-General, Ms Jenny Abramsky, Director of Radio, Ms Caroline Thomson, Director of Public Policy, BBC; Mr David Scott, Managing Director, Mr Tim Gardam, Director of Programmes, and Mr Rob Woodward, Managing Director, 4Ventures Ltd, Channel 4 (at 12.00 noon)
16Standards and Privileges10.30 a.m.Room 13 (private)
17International Development3.15 p.m.The European Commission Buildings, Brussels (private)
18Standards and Privileges4.00 p.m.Room 13 (private)
19Trade and Industry4.00 p.m.The Grimond Room, Portcullis House (private)
20Statutory InstrumentsImmediately after the Meeting of the Joint Committee on Statutory InstrumentsRoom 7 (private)


21Statutory Instruments4.15 p.m.Room 7 (private)

[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]


Written Questions tabled on Monday 21st January for answer today++

1 David Burnside (South Antrim): To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, if she will make a statement on the impact of the area closure associated with cod recovery during the 2002 spawning period on UK fishermen; and what involvement her Department has in the compensatory arrangements for Northern Irish fishermen.
( 29787 )
2 Jane Griffiths (Reading East): To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, when he intends to publish the first Stewardship Report promised in the Ministry of Defence's policy document, In Trust and On Trust: The Strategy for the Defence Estate.
( 29723 )
3 Ms Claire Ward (Watford): To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, if he will publish the names of those local authorities which have applied to him to run electoral modernisation pilot schemes in the May 2002 elections.
( 29886 )
4 Mrs Jackie Lawrence (Preseli, Pembrokeshire): To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer whether there has been progress with the proposal to reform civil registration in England and Wales.
( 29887 )
5 Gillian Merron (Lincoln): To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, pursuant to the Answer to the honourable Member for Chelmsford West, of 5th December 2001, Official Report, column 430W, on numbers of letters received by his Department, if the details of letters received between 20th June and 20th July are available.
( 29888 )
6 Eric Joyce (Falkirk West): To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills, if she will make a statement on the report of the School Teachers' Review Body.
( 29889 )


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Prepared 22 January 2002