* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.
+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Transport |
*1 |
Joan Walley (Stoke-on-Trent North): What action he is taking to improve co-ordination of bus services.
) |
*2 |
Mr Chris Mullin (Sunderland South): If he will consult on the re-regulation of buses; and if he will make a statement.
) |
*3 |
Helen Jackson (Sheffield, Hillsborough): What action he is taking to promote better regulation of local public transport.
) |
*4 |
Chris Grayling (Epsom & Ewell): If he will make a statement on the accountability of Network Rail.
) |
*5 |
Mr Simon Thomas (Ceredigion): If he will make a statement on the progress of the Wales and the Border franchising process.
) |
*6 |
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (Cotswold): If he will make a statement on the recommendations in the recent report from the Select Committee on Transport, Local Government and the Regions, relating to the investment programme in the 10 year transport plan.
) |
*7 |
Paul Flynn (Newport West): What proposals he has to increase the number of motorway variable signs.
) |
*8 |
Mr James Gray (North Wiltshire): How much will be spent on motorway improvements in the 10 year plan for transport.
) |
*9 |
Mr John Randall (Uxbridge): What recent representations he has received with regard to safety issues relating to NATS; and if he will make a statement.
) |
*10 |
Andrew George (St Ives): What recent assessment he has made of the reliability of rail services to West Cornwall.
) |
*11 |
Mr Colin Pickthall (West Lancashire): What plans he has to provide (a) rail and (b) LRT services to towns that have neither.
) |
*12 |
Mr Michael Foster (Worcester): What plans he has to encourage the greater use of bus travel within Worcester.
) |
*13 |
Mr David Kidney (Stafford): What progress he has made in his review of fuel duty rebate for providers of bus passenger services.
) |
*14 |
John Mann (Bassetlaw): What alternatives to speed cushions his Department is investigating.
) |
*15 |
Mr Paul Burstow (Sutton & Cheam): If he will make a statement on incidences of trespass and vandalism on the railways.
) |
*16 |
Fiona Mactaggart (Slough): What his assessment is of the impact on congestion of children being driven to school.
) |
*17 |
David Cairns (Greenock & Inverclyde): What recent discussions he has had with Railtrack concerning the redevelopment of the transport interchange at Gourock station.
) |
*18 |
Mr John Smith (Vale of Glamorgan): What assessment he has made of the ability of current airport capacity to meet demand for air travel over the next 10 years.
) |
*19 |
Mr John Baron (Billericay): If he will make a statement on the trends in train punctuality over the last five years.
) |
*20 |
Roger Casale (Wimbledon): What plans he has to improve the reliability of train services in London.
) |
*21 |
Colin Burgon (Elmet): What plans he has to encourage the opening of new suburban rail stops in the Leeds area.
) |
*22 |
Mr George Foulkes (Carrick, Cumnock & Doon Valley): When he next expects to meet the Chairman of the Strategic Rail Authority to discuss the development of high speed rail links.
) |
*23 |
Sir Teddy Taylor (Rochford & Southend East): What progress has been made in transferring freight traffic to railways in the past five years.
) |
*24 |
Mr Ben Chapman (Wirral South): If he will make a statement on transatlantic air services.
) |
*25 |
Richard Ottaway (Croydon South): What recent representations he has received regarding road user charging.
) |
*26 |
Mr David Heath (Somerton & Frome): If he will make a statement on safety improvements to the A303.
) |
*27 |
Mr Andrew Robathan (Blaby): What assessment he has made of the railways' ability to raise private finance.
) |
*28 |
Mr Jim Cunningham (Coventry South): What plans he has to consult on the future of airports in Great Britain.
) |
*29 |
Mr George Howarth (Knowsley North & Sefton East): What plans he has to expand light railway and tram schemes.
) |
*30 |
Judy Mallaber (Amber Valley): What assessment he has made of the likely impact of the fuel duty rebate introduced in May for community transport services.
) |
*31 |
Mr Huw Edwards (Monmouth): What recent representations he has received about changing the law on pupil overcrowding on scheduled bus services.
) |
Oral Questions to the Minister for the Cabinet Office |
*32 |
Mr Ben Chapman (Wirral South): If he will make a statement on ethnic minority recruitment to the Civil Service.
) |
*33 |
Pete Wishart (North Tayside): What assessment he has made of the staffing requirement in the Civil Service of the Scottish Executive.
) |
*34 |
Brian White (North East Milton Keynes): What recent progress has been made by the Delivery Unit in securing the Government's objectives.
) |
*35 |
Dr Vincent Cable (Twickenham): What steps he is taking to ensure that regulatory impact assessments are consistent between government departments.
) |
*36 |
Tom Brake (Carshalton & Wallington): If he will make a statement on changes to emergency planning procedures implemented since June 2001.
) |
*37 |
Paul Flynn (Newport West): What new proposals he has to improve the efficiency of government departments by means of deregulation.
) |
*38 |
Ms Dari Taylor (Stockton South): If he will list his Department's responsibilities with regard to the Performance and Innovation Unit.
) |
At 3.30 p.m. | Private Notice Questions (if any) Ministerial Statements (if any) |
Preliminary Business |
| Ten minute rule Motion
| Andy King
| That leave be given to bring in a Bill to abolish the penalty of committal to prison in default of payment of community charge, council tax and other local taxes; and for related purposes.
| The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to ten minutes (Standing Order No. 23).
Main Business |
2 | OPPOSITION DAY (16th allotted day) [Until 10.00 p.m.]
| Mr Iain Duncan Smith
Mr David Willetts [R]
Mr James Clappison
Mr Tim Boswell
Mr Patrick McLoughlin
David Maclean
| That this House agrees with the Government's stated aim of increasing from 40 per cent. to 60 per cent. the proportion of pensioners' incomes that comes from the private sector, but condemns the Government for failing to pursue policies which would achieve this objective and instead imposing a massive £5 billion annual tax on pension funds, and for presiding over the lowest savings ratio since records began; notes that fewer than four in ten final salary schemes are now open to new members and is shocked by the Government's complacency in the face of widespread concern about the future of funded pensions; and therefore calls on the Government to cut the burden of regulation on pension funds, reverse the spread of means testing among pensioners, reform annuities and provide better incentives for people to save, so that they can enjoy a prosperous retirement.
| As Amendments to Mr Iain Duncan Smith's proposed Motion (Funded Pensions):
| Mr Charles Kennedy
Mr A. J. Beith
Steve Webb
Paul Holmes
Mr David Heath
Mr Andrew Stunell
| Line 1, leave out from `House' to end and add `believes that funded pensions have an important part to play in a wider strategy of ensuring that all pensioners can enjoy a decent standard of living throughout their retirement; further believes that the Government should measure the progress of its long term pensions strategy not by reference to arbitrary proportions of income being derived from funded pensions, but rather by reference to the proportion of people of working age set to retire with decent pensions; further believes that the Government's strategy of inadequate basic state pensions supplemented by mass means-testing will neither encourage greater savings via funded pensions nor eliminate pensioner poverty; in particular notes the poor pension position of many women, including both those who have already retired and those who are approaching state pension age; calls on the Government to undertake a specific investigation into the pension rights of women of working age; and further calls on the Government radically to simplify the pensions system, to look at ways of increasing workforce participation amongst older people and to consider the role of compulsory pension contributions in ensuring that all people retire with dignity and security'.
| The Prime Minister
Mr Secretary Prescott
Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
Mr Robin Cook
Mr Secretary Straw
Mr Secretary Smith
| Line 1, leave out from `House' to end and add `welcomes the Government's framework for pensions which will reduce pensioner poverty and encourage saving; recognises that pensions are best provided on the firm foundation of the sound economy the Government has put in place, with partnership between employees and employers, pension providers and Government; congratulates the Government on the extra £6 billion paid to pensioners from April of this year and its intention to bring in the Pension Credit which will increase the incomes of around half of all pensioners; further welcomes the introduction and progress of stakeholder pensions; recognises that there is still more to do and looks forward to receiving the Pickering and Sandler Reviews and consulting on proposals for reform in the Autumn.'.
| The selection of the matter to be debated this day has been made by the Leader of the Opposition (Standing Order No. 14(2)).
| Debate may continue until 10.00 p.m.
+ 3 | SOCIAL SECURITY [No debate]
| Mr Secretary Smith
| That the draft Social Security (Electronic Communications) (Child Benefit) Order 2002, which was laid before this House on 17th June, be approved.
| To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).
+ 4 | HOUSING [No debate]
| Mr Secretary Prescott
| That the draft Homelessness (Priority Need for Accommodation) (England) Order 2002, which was laid before this House on 18th June, be approved.
| To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).
| Mr Bob Ainsworth
| That this House takes note of European Union Documents No. 8237/01, draft Council Directive concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long term residents, and No. 11803/01, draft Council directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of paid employment and self-employed activities; supports the Government's position on these measures; and takes note that the Government has not opted into them but intends to maintain a constructive approach and will consider whether to opt in once their final shape is clear.
| To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 119(9)).
+ 6 | SECTION 5 OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT 1993 [No debate after 10.00 p.m.]
| The Prime MinisterMr Secretary PrescottMr Chancellor of the ExchequerMr Robin CookMr Secretary StrawMr Secretary Blunkett
| That, for the purposes of their approval under section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993, the Financial Statement and Budget Report 2002-03 and the Economic and Fiscal Strategy Report 2002-03 shall be treated as if they were instruments subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation).
| If opposed, this item cannot be taken after 10.00 p.m.
At the end of the sitting
| Proposed subject: Care for the elderly in Devon (Richard Younger-Ross).
| Debate may continue until 10.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9).
1 | Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation | 10.30 a.m. | Room 12 (public) |
| To consider the Housing (Right to Acquire) (Discount) Order 2002 (S.I., 2002, No. 1091). |
2 | Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated
Legislation | 10.30 a.m. | Room 11 (public) |
| To consider the Local Government Finance (England) Special Grant Report (No. 101) (HC 942), on Personal Social Services Performance Grant for 2002-03. |
3 | Regulatory Reform | 9.30 a.m.
9.35 a.m. | Room 19 (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Operation of the Regulatory Reform Act. |
| Witnesses: Rt. Hon. Lord Macdonald of Tradeston CBE, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Cabinet Office, and Rt. Hon. John Spellar MP, Minister for State, Department of Transport. |
4 | Transport, Local Government and the Regions: Urban Affairs Sub-Committee | 9.45 a.m.
10.00 a.m. | Room 15 (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Affordable Housing. |
| Witnesses: Shelter; Countryside Agency (at approximately 10.40 a.m.); North East Housing Forum and North West Housing Forum (at approximately 11.20 a.m.). |
5 | Treasury | 9.45 a.m.
10.00 a.m. | The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Financial Regulation of Public Ltd Companies. |
| Witnesses: Lord Sharman of Redlynch; Professor Sir David Tweedie KCB, International Accounting Standards Board and Ms Mary Keegan, Accounting Standards Board (at approximately 10.30 a.m.); Sir Howard Davies KCB, and Mr Michael Foot, Financial Services Authority (at approximately 11.10 a.m.); Richard Rogers, Director, Company Law and Investigations, DTI, John Grewe, Director, Financial Reporting Policy, DTI, David Lawton, Head of Financial Stability and Markets, HM Treasury, David Loweth, Head of Central Accountability, HM Treasury (at approximately 11.50 a.m.). |
6 | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Hazardous Waste Sub-Committee | 10.00 a.m.
10.15 a.m. | The Grimond Room, Portcullis House (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Hazardous Waste. |
| Witnesses: Mr Dirk Hazell, Chief Executive, Ms Leslie Heasman, Technical Development Director, M J Carter, Ms Gill Weeks, Regulatory Affairs Director, Cleanway Ltd, Environmental Services Association; and Mr Mike Gilbert, Chief Executive, Mr Richard Boarder, Fuels Manager, Castle Cement, and Mr Robert Davies, Lafarge Cement (UK), British Cement Association (at approximately 10.45 a.m.). |
7 | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Illegal Meat Imports Sub-Committee | 3.45 p.m.
4.00 p.m. | The Grimond Room, Portcullis House (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Illegal Meat Imports. |
| Witnesses: Association of Port Health Authorities; Lord Whitty, Parliamentaty Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (at approximately 4.45 p.m.). |
8 | International Development | 10.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m. | Room 5 (private)
(public) |
| Subject: CDC Capital Partners. |
| Witnesses: Rt. Hon. Earl Cairns CVO CBE, Non-Executive Chairman, Dr Alan Gillespie, Chief Executive, Mr Richard Laing, Finance Director, and Miss Gillian Arthur, Managing Director, Operations, CDC Capital Partners |
9 | Culture, Media and Sport | 10.30 a.m.
10.45 a.m. | The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Gambling. |
| Witnesses: Sir Alan Budd, Chairman of Gambling Review Body; Gaming Board (at approximately 11.15 a.m.), National Lottery Commission (at approximately 11.50 a.m.), Rt. Hon. Richard Caborn MP, Minister for Sport, Department for Culture, Media and Sport (at approximately 12.30 p.m.). |
10 | Standards and Privileges | 10.30 a.m. | Room 13 (private) |
11 | Trade and Industry | 10.00 a.m.
10.15 a.m. | Room 16 (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Biotechnology. |
| Witnesses: British Venture Capital Association; Bionow (North West Development Agency) (at approximately 11.00 a.m.). |
12 | Home Affairs | 10.15 a.m. | Room 6 (private) |
12 | Welsh Affairs | 10.30 a.m. | Room 18 (private) |
14 | Procedure | 4.00 p.m.
4.15 p.m. | Room 8 (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Major Infrastructure Projects: Proposed New Parliamentary Procedures. |
| Witnesses: Mr Neil Sinden, Assistant Director (Planning), Council for the Protection of Rural England; Mr Tony Burton, Director of Policy and Strategy, The National Trust; Dr Hugh Ellis, Planning Adviser, Friends of the Earth; and Mr Mark Sullivan, Transport 2000. |
15 | Trade and Industry | 4.00 p.m.
4.15 p.m. | Room 15 (private)
(public) |
| Subject: Biotechnology. |
| Witnesses: BioIndustry Association (BIA); Professor Peter Dunnill, University College London (at approximately 5.00 p.m.). |
16 | Statutory Instruments | Immediately after the JCSI meeting | Room 7 (private) |
17 | Statutory Instruments | 4.15 p.m. | Room 7 (private) |
[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.] |
Written Questions tabled on Monday 1st July for answer today++
1 |
Mike Gapes (Ilford South): To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, when he plans to make available the Commission for Racial Equality 2001 Annual Report.
) |
2 |
John Austin (Erith & Thamesmead): To ask the Deputy Prime Minister, when he will invite councils to apply for Beacon status in the fourth round of the scheme.
) |
3 |
Dr Stephen Ladyman (South Thanet): To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department, when the Lord Chancellor will implement the Land Registration Act 2002.
) |
4 |
Mr Neil Gerrard (Walthamstow): To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department, if the Government accepts the recommendations made by the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission in their Report on Third PartiesRights Against Insurers.
) |
5 |
David Cairns (Greenock & Inverclyde): To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will make a statement on the future basing of Royal Navy ships and submarines and the future requirement for three naval bases.
) |
6 |
Mike Gapes (Ilford South): To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if the RAND Report on Type 45 Procurement Options has been published; and if he will make a statement.
) |
7 |
Barbara Follett (Stevenage): To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the work of the Tax Law Rewrite project.
) |
8 |
Mr Neil Turner (Wigan): To ask the Cabinet Office, if the Government plans to submit written evidence to the Committee on Standards in Public Life as a part of its inquiry defining the boundaries within the Executive.
) |