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Private Sector (Statistics)

Dr. Fox: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many day cases have been carried out in the private sector since November 2000; [47861]

Mr. Hutton: We do not collect information on the total number of appointments and treatments provided by the private health care providers. We do, however, have information on services provided for national health service patients. Since November 2000 the Independent Healthcare Association (IHA) has collected monthly data from independent health care providers (which includes both private and voluntary sector providers) about the number of NHS patients treated by them. According to data made available to the Department by the IHA, between November 2000 and January 2002 (the latest month for which figures are available) at least 25,000 day cases, 34,500 out-patient appointments and 28,500 in-patient treatments were carried out in the independent sector for NHS patients.