Index for Volume 370continued
A B Bu C Cr D E F G H Hu I J K L M Mi N O P Q R S St T U V W X Y Z
Middle East
Middle schools
Milburn, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for Health
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (26.06.01) 503
Queen's speech, Education (21.06.01) 267-72
Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry 508-9
Health services, Wales 76w
Hospitals, Private finance initiative 495-6
Miliband, David
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Economic policy (25.06.01) 465-9
Military aid
Military aircraft
Millennium Exhibition
Miller, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Economic policy (25.06.01) 408
Queen's speech, Education (21.06.01) 221
Queen's speech, Rural areas (26.06.01) 573-5
Employment, North West region 370-1
Minimum wage
Ministerial duties
Ministerial policy advisors
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 163w
Ministerial powers
Ministerial statements
Foot and mouth disease (21.06.01) 166-86
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food
Departmental expenditure limits 180-1w
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence Police
Minor injuries units
Mitchell, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Rural areas (26.06.01) 557-9
Mitchell, Mr Austin
Fisheries, Compensation 96w
Mixed oxide fuel
Mobile phones
Moonie, Dr Lewis, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Ministry of Defence
Cyprus, Ministry of Defence 105-6w
Defence Diversification Agency 57-8w
Douglas, Leslie John 132w
Military aircraft, Meteorology 106w
Ministry of Defence Police, Standards 56-7w
Moran, Margaret
Morgan, Julie
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Crime (27.06.01) 713
Morley, Mr Elliot, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Debates etc.
Common fisheries policy (25.06.01) 487-90
Queen's speech, Rural areas (26.06.01) 515
Agricultural products, Retail trade 766-7
Climate Change Convention 763-4
Countryside stewardship scheme 180w
Departmental expenditure limits, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 180-1w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 179w
Dogs Act 1871, Prosecutions 129-31w
EC Fisheries Council 13-4w
Foot and mouth disease, Devon 773-4
Foot and mouth disease, Veterinary services 176w
Members, Correspondence 180w
Rural areas, Diversification 776-8
White fish, Conservation 178w
Morris, Rt Hon Ms Estelle, Secretary of State for Education and Skills
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Education (21.06.01) 188-98, 201
"Special Educational Needs Draft Code of Practice" 4w
Moss, Mr Malcolm
Mullin, Mr Chris
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Crime (27.06.01) 677-80
Munn, Meg
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Rural areas (26.06.01) 540-3
Murphy, Rt Hon Paul, Secretary of State for Wales
Children's Commissioner for Wales 109w
Foot and mouth disease, Wales 113w
Foreign investment in UK, Wales 110w
Manufacturing industries, Wales 114w
Small businesses, Wales 621-3
Murrison, Dr Andrew
Aerials, Planning permission 20w