Index for Volume 371continued
A Ap B Bi Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K Kn L Li M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri S Sk Sq T To U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Libyan Arab Republic
Licensing laws
Liddell-Grainger, Ian
Debates etc.
Export Control Bill, 2R (09.07.01) 576-8
Lidington, Mr David
Debates etc.
Civil disorder, Bradford (10.07.01) 664-5
Armed forces, Deployment 364w
Immigration, Appeals 415w
NHS, Private finance initiative 153w, 338w
Railways, Greater London 325w
Young offenders, Community service orders 249w
Life expectancy
Life imprisonment
Life insurance
Life Sentences (Northern Ireland Consequential Amendments) Order 2001
Debates etc.
Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001
Debates etc.
Lifelong education
Information technology 291w
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter
Lloyd, Mr Tony
Debates etc.
Members, Pay (05.07.01) 431
Ballistic missile defence, USA 522-3
Better Regulation Task Force 570w
Colombia, Armed conflict 660-1
Police, Greater Manchester 2-3
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Debates etc.
Export Control Bill, 2R (09.07.01) 601-5
Rural areas (12.07.01) 1000
Garages and petrol stations, Safety 381w
Garages and petrol stations, Storage 629-31w
Sri Lanka, Human rights 471w
Local authorities
Local Authorities (Executive and Alternative Arrangements) (Modification of Enactments and Other Provisions) (England) Order 2001
Local education authorities
Local exchange and trading schemes
Local government
Proportional representation 140-2
Local government finance
Government departments 570w
London Rough Sleepers Unit
London Transport
London Underground
Longbridge Task Force
Foot and mouth disease 689w
Loughton, Tim
Debates etc.
Homelessness Bill, 2R (02.07.01) 106-10
Oral question time intervention (03.07.01) 128
Sittings in Westminster Hall
General practitioners, Sussex (10.07.01) 181-8wh
Hospitals, Waiting lists 224w
Regional assemblies, Referendums 132
Love, Mr Andrew
Sri Lanka, Peace negotiations 471w
Low flying
Low incomes
Lucas, Ian
Hospitals, Consultants 29w
Weights and Measures Act 1985 677w
Luff, Mr Peter
Debates etc.
A449, Petitions (04.07.01) 373
Members, Pay (05.07.01) 433
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 130w, 191w
Foot and mouth disease, Public inquiries 92w, 375w
Foot and mouth disease, Throckmorton airfield 689w
Foot and mouth disease, West Midlands 278-9w
Health authorities, West Midlands 333-4w
Members, Correspondence 357w
Schools, Worcestershire 294w
Luke, Mr Iain
Crown Estate Commissioners 578w
Lynx helicopters
Lyons, John
Debates etc.
Homelessness Bill, 2R (02.07.01) 79-80