Index for Volume 371continued
A Ap B Bi Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K Kn L Li M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri S Sk Sq T To U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Skinner, Mr Dennis
Debates etc.
Business questions intervention (05.07.01) 408
Industrial diseases, Compensation 928
Sleeping rough
Small Business Service
Small businesses
Smith, Rt Hon Andrew, Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Debates etc.
European Communities (Finance) Bill, 2R (03.07.01) 143-8, 152, 167
Crown Estate Commissioners, Lymington 578w
Crown Estate Commissioners, Moorings 578w
National Insurance Fund 405w
Pensions, Part-time employment 313w
Surveillance, Expenditure 311w
Smith, Geraldine
Smith, Jacqui, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Orthopaedics, Norfolk (10.07.01) 228-31wh
Ashworth Hospital, Security 444-5w
Christie Hospital NHS Trust 340w
Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Finance 339w
Foot and mouth disease 274w
Home care services, Fees and charges 273w, 284w
Institutional care, Attendance allowance 289w
Institutional care, Essex 284-5w
Institutional care, Standards 151w
Mental health services, Finance 336w, 441w
Mental health services, Greater London 334w
Mental health services, Inquiries 441-3w
NHS trusts, Eastern region 149w
Prescription drugs, Institutional care 346w
Prescription drugs, Mentally ill 507w
Smith, Mr John
Debates etc.
Export Control Bill, 2R (09.07.01) 553, 611-2
Defence Aviation Repair Agency, RAF St Athan 367w
Military aircraft, Procurement 360w
Property transfer, Ministry of Defence 531
Smith, Llew
Ballistic missile defence, USA 98w
Banks, Regional planning and development 312w
Environment protection, International cooperation 92w
Gothenburg Summit (EC), Demonstrations 94-5w
Public sector, Private sector 266w
Regional planning and development, Wales 358-9w
Sites of special scientific interest 161w
Transport, Community development 160w
World economy, Social conditions 369w
Smith, Sir Robert
Property transfer, Ministry of Defence 531
Smyth, Rev Martin
Debates etc.
Soames, Mr Nicholas
Foot and mouth disease, Public inquiries 493w
Health services, West Sussex 663-4w
Immigration, Statistics 250w
Official engagements, Prime Minister 180w
Peace keeping operations 527-8
Social conditions
Social Exclusion Unit
Social Security and Housing Benefits Act 1982
Social security benefits
Social Security Contributions Agency
Soil Association
Solar power
Soley, Mr Clive
Debates etc.
Pre-school education 297w
South Africa
South Coast Corridor Multi-Modal Study
South West region
South West Regional Development Agency
Southworth, Ms Helen
Space for sport and arts programme
Speaker and deputies
Debates etc.
Amendments and new clauses (04.07.01) 263, (05.07.01) 423, 463, 480, (12.07.01) 947
Conduct of proceedings (02.07.01) 116, (03.07.01) 141, 163-4, 169, 171-2, 177, 189, 201-2, 208, (04.07.01) 246, 262, 283-4, 292, 304, 311, 321, 333, 347, 360, (05.07.01) 384, 391, 395, 400, 406, 409, 411, 430, 439, 490, (09.07.01) 582, 609, (10.07.01) 649, 671, 727, 747, 764-5, (11.07.01) 784, 797-8, 800, 802, (12.07.01) 924, 930, 945, 1000
Deferred divisions (11.07.01) 866
Disallowed questions (03.07.01) 131, (05.07.01) 391
Orders and regulations motions (10.07.01) 765
Rulings and statements, Parliamentary procedure (05.07.01) 419
Rulings and statements, Ten minutes rule (04.07.01) 273
Rulings and statements, Unparliamentary expressions (09.07.01) 524, (12.07.01) 945
Standing Order No 24 applications, Marconi (10.07.01) 686
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Conduct of proceedings (03.07.01) 34wh, 38wh, (04.07.01) 84wh, 100wh, 114wh, (05.07.01) 149wh, 155wh, 157wh, 159-60wh, (10.07.2001) 193wh, 196-7wh, 199wh, 201wh, 208wh, 211-2wh, 216-7wh, 219wh, (11.07.01) 253wh, 259wh, 278wh, 297wh, (12.07.01) 329wh
Points of order (05.07.01) 156wh, (10.07.01) 196wh
Rulings and statements, Parliamentary procedure (05.07.01) 156wh, 162wh
Regional assemblies, Referendums 131
Students, Fees and charges 391
Special constables
Special education
"Special Educational Needs Draft Code of Practice"
Specialist schools
Specialized Agencies of the United Nations (Immunities and Privileges of UNESCO) Order 2001
Debates etc.
Speed limits
Spellar, Rt Hon John, Minister for Transport, Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Debates etc.
White Waltham Airfield (11.07.01) 895-9
Air traffic control, Training 155-6w
EU Transport and Telecommunications Council 322-4w
Integrated Transport Commission 11-2w
Members, Correspondence 634w
National Air Traffic Services, Public private partnerships 12w
Paddington Rail Accident Inquiry 14w
Railtrack, Fees and charges 10w
Railtrack, Public appointments 11w
Railways, Speed limits 10w
Strategic Rail Authority 155w
Strategic Rail Authority, Consultants 113-6w
Strategic Rail Authority, Manpower 13w
Strategic Rail Authority, Public appointments 155w
Train operating companies, Industrial relations 13w
Transport, Contracts 114w
Transport, Industrial relations 109-10w
Transport, Planning permission 112-3w
Spelman, Mrs Caroline
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Spicer, Sir Michael
Debates etc.
Members, Pay (05.07.01) 432, 441
Spink, Bob
Debates etc.
European Communities (Finance) Bill, 2R (03.07.01) 150, 196-9, 227
Further education (12.07.01) 970
Health authorities, Essex 338-9w
Junior doctors, Working hours 31w
New Opportunities Fund, Hospices 144w
NHS trusts, Eastern region 149w
Rapid deployment forces, EC countries 533-4
Teachers, Job satisfaction 293w
VAT, Crime prevention 404w
Spoliation Advisory Panel
Spring, Mr Richard
Debates etc.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, 2R (04.07.01) 349-53
Rural areas (12.07.01) 994
European Communities, Departmental responsibilities 32w
Treaty of Nice, EC enlargement 476w
Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2w