Index for Volume 372continued
A Am Au B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dr E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Mc Mi Ml Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sy T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Bacon, Mr Richard
Disability working allowance 698-9w
Disabled person's tax credit 569-70w
Livestock, Transport 1092w
Sixth form education 1231w
Sixth form education, Curriculum 1180w
Sixth form education, Student numbers 987w
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Debates etc.
Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Bill, 2R (15.10.01) 1016-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Credit unions (18.07.01) 80-3wh
Local government finance 556w
Bain Commission
Baird, Vera
Young offenders, Redcar 668w
Youth offender referral orders 668w
Baker, Norman
Alternative energy, Wastes 1152w
Animal experiments, Departmental responsibilities 469w
Animal experiments, Genetically modified organisms 921-2w
Animal experiments, Primates 675-6w
Animal welfare, Pheasants 1093w
Animal welfare, Prosecutions 1062w
Associated Newspapers, Defamation 587w
China, Foreign relations 491w
Civil servants, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1087w
Firearms, Young people 921w
Foot and mouth disease, Waste disposal 1104w
Gifts and endowments, Prime Minister 74w
Hinduja Passport Inquiry 468w
Huntingdon Life Sciences, Bank services 601-2w
Incinerators, Planning permission 1056-7w
MI5, Equal opportunities 47-8w
Military exercises, USA 7w, 956w
Millennium Exhibition, Sponsorship 747-8w
Ministerial policy advisors, Prime Minister 818-9w
Motor vehicles, Licensing 870w
Parliamentary scrutiny, Recess 1001w
Police, Data protection 921w
Prisoners, Alternative medicine 921w
RAF Menwith Hill, Bye laws 995w
RAF Menwith Hill, Contracts 954w
RAF Menwith Hill, Ministry of Defence Police 954w
RAF Menwith Hill, Security 955w
RAF Menwith Hill, USA 955w
Railways, Construction 503w
South Coast Corridor Multi-Modal Study 542w
Taxation, Official residences 20w
United Nations, Voting behaviour 45w
Vaccination, Compensation 739w
Balance of payments
Balance of trade
Baldry, Tony
Debates etc.
Terrorism (16.10.01) 1069
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism 6-7
Ballistic missile defence
Ballot papers
General Election 2001 1172w
Bank services
Huntingdon Life Sciences 601-2w
Banks, Mr Tony
Debates etc.
Summer adjournment debate intervention (20.07.01) 543
Terrorism (04.10.01) 782-3
Church Commissioners, Investment 18-9
Mirror Group Newspapers 602w
Royal parks, Pest control 752-3w
Banner Committee
see Animal Procedures Committee
Barker, Mr Gregory
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Acute beds, East Sussex 117-8w
Hospitals, Infectious diseases 232w
Surgery, East Sussex 117w
Barlinnie Prison
European Convention on Human Rights 154w
Barnes, Mr Harry
Debates etc.
Electoral register (20.07.01) 572-5
Select committees, Points of order (17.07.01) 155
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 272
Baron, John
Debates etc.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, 3R (17.10.01) 1259-60
Small businesses, Tax burden (20.07.01) 538-41
Terrorism (04.10.01) 752-4, (15.10.01) 950
Housing, Construction 554w
Incinerators, Pollution control 1058w
Property development 554w
Small businesses, Regulation 597-8w
Barrett, John
Debates etc.
Terrorism (04.10.01) 763-4
Barron, Rt Hon Kevin
General Medical Council 1036
Basic education
Baton rounds
Battle, Mr John
Debates etc.
Terrorism (14.09.01) 642-3
Bayley, Hugh
Debates etc.
Business motions (16.07.01) 25-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Flood control, Vale of York 1297
Racial discrimination, Conferences 423w
Commercial activities 188w
BBC External Services