Index for Volume 372continued
A Am Au B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dr E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Mc Mi Ml Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sy T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Hughes, Beverley, Parliamentary Secretary, Home Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Category C prisoners, Prison accommodation 931-2w
Community service orders, Litter 682w
Feltham Young Offender Institution and Remand Centre 131w, 918-9w
Habitual offenders, Community service orders 352-3w
HM Inspectorate of Prisons 920w
Holloway Prison, Body searches 928-9w
Home detention curfews 919w
Manchester Prison, Telephone services 681-2w
Mentally disturbed offenders 796w
Mentally disturbed offenders, Drugs 932w
Miscarriages of justice 128w
Mother and baby units 1235w
National Probation Service for England and Wales, Manpower 670-2w
Norwich Prison, Overcrowding 285-6w
Prison governors, Correspondence 682w
Prison governors, Manpower 912-4w
Prison Service, Environment protection 46w
Prison Service, Ethnic groups 665w
Prison Service, Manpower 915w
Prison Service, Standards 342w
Prison Service, Vacancies 665-6w
Prisoners, Alternative medicine 921w
Prisoners, Contraceptives 902w
Prisoners, HIV infection 902w
Prisoners, Mentally ill 666w
Prisons, Crimes of violence 914w
Prisons, Fire prevention 1235w
Prisons, Per capita costs 342w
Prisons, Probation and aftercare 665w
Prisons, Telephone services 660w
Probation officers, Recruitment 353-4w
Young offenders, Custodial treatment 911w
Young offenders, Probation orders 49w
Young offenders, Redcar 668w
"Youth Justice Board for England and Wales Review, 2000/01" 46w, 927w
Youth offender referral orders 668w
Hughes, Mr Kevin Michael
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Invalid care allowances 705w
Social Fund, Annual reports 705-6w
Hughes, Simon
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Community relations, Urban areas (17.07.01) 1-7wh
Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 350-1w
Freedom of Information Act 2000 450w
Habitual offenders, Community service orders 352-3w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Standards 642-3w
National Asylum Support Service 339-40w
National Probation Service for England and Wales, Manpower 670-2w
Police, Conditions of employment 796w
Police national computer, Standards 670w
Probation officers, Recruitment 353-4w
Racial violence, Prosecutions 670w
Refugees, Applications 340w
Refugees, Voucher schemes 339w
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 353w
Special constables, Public transport 640-1w
Human embryo experiments
Human experiments
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
Human rights
Local Government Act 1974 503-4w
Human Rights Act 1998
Debates etc.
Human Rights Joint Select Committee
(16.07.01) 90, (19.07.01) 520
Humble, Mrs Joan
Fisheries, Compensation 327w
Hume, Mr John
Debates etc.
Terrorism, USA (14.09.01) 613-4
Northern Ireland government 285-6
Hunter, Mr Andrew
Dental services, Fees and charges 228w
Television, Licensing 187w
Tobacco, Advertising 228w
Hunting Defence
General practitioners 1125w
Secondary education 1176w
Huntingdon Life Sciences
Hutton, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Debates etc.
Accident and emergency departments, Elderly 735-7w
Doctors, Private sector 119w
Donors, Ethnic groups 114w
General practitioners, Manpower 446-7w
General practitioners, Pay 737w
General practitioners, Recruitment 1045-6
Health Select Committee 448w
Health services, Fees and charges 1133w
Health services, Greater London 1033-4
Health services, Students 438w
Health visitors, Manpower 734w
Heart diseases, Health services 1034-5
Heart diseases, Transplant surgery 1242w
Hospitals, Capital investment 1119w
Medical laboratory scientific officers, Manpower 737-8w
Medical profession, Manpower 1125w
Members, Correspondence 1239w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Waiting lists 118w, 1028w
National Institute for Clinical Excellence 112w
National service frameworks 436-7w
NHS, Combined heat and power 1242w
NHS, Public private partnerships 1120w
NHS, Working conditions 237w
NHS Pensions Agency, Annual reports 427w
NHS trusts, Standards 1040w
Nurses, Qualifications 226w
Nursing and Midwifery Council 731w
Plastic surgery, Breasts 427w
Primary care trusts 1124w
Private finance initiative 434w
Radiotherapy, Medical equipment 1241w
Repetitive strain injury 111w
St George's Hospital Tooting 430w
St George's Hospital Tooting, Acute beds 430w
St George's Hospital Tooting, Finance 430w
St George's Hospital Tooting, Manpower 729-30w
Strokes, Health services 72w
Whittington Hospital, Private finance initiative 1029w