Index for Volume 372continued
A Am Au B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dr E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Mc Mi Ml Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sy T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Debates etc.
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Jet skis
Job creation
Future large aircraft 1141w
Jobcentre Plus
Jobseeker's allowance
John Radcliffe Hospital
Johnson, Alan, Minister of State for Employment Relations and Regions, Dept of Trade and Industry
Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Annual reports 321w
Assisted areas, Scotland 325-6w
Employment agencies, Entertainers 983w
Employment agencies, Regulation 35-6w
Employment agencies, Standards 36w
Employment tribunals, Higher education 271w
Employment Tribunals Service 1276w
Fisheries, Subsidies 320w
Manufacturing industries, Rural areas 1277w
Private sector, Conditions of employment 609w
Public holidays, Religion 263w
Regional development agencies, Credit unions 607w
Regional development agencies, Manpower 608w
Regional enterprise grants 267w
Regional enterprise grants, Forest of Dean 107w
Regional enterprise grants, South West region 107w
Select committees, Dept of Trade and Industry 986w
Small businesses, EC grants and loans 592w
Johnson, Mr Boris
Debates etc.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, 3R (17.10.01) 1175
Apache AH-64 helicopter, Flight simulation 716w
Bed and breakfast accommodation, Homelessness 545w
Climate change levy, Manufacturing industries 606-7w
Consumers, Protection 606w
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism 750-1w
Import controls, Birds 857w
Invalid care allowances 699w
Local government finance, Oxfordshire 546-7w
MMR vaccine, Oxfordshire 721w
Pensioners, Income support 700w
Post offices, Closures 606w
Regional assemblies, South East region 547w
Small businesses, Regulation 598w
Stamp duties, Property transfer 837w
Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 606w
Thames Valley Police, Sick leave 1200w
Upholder class submarines, Canada 717-8w
Johnson, Miss Melanie, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries (19.07.01) 524-8
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Consumers, Credit (16.10.01) 233-6wh
Airlines, Competition 981w
Alcoholic drinks, Measurement 1376w
Audit, Annual reports 322w
Broadcasting, Competition 105w
Companies, Complaints 1278w
Construction, Equal opportunities 325w
Consumers, Protection 606w
EC grants and loans, Manchester 325w
Exports, North West region 325w
Ferries, Isle of Wight 610w
Foreign investment in UK, North West region 325w
Garages and petrol stations 708w
Garages and petrol stations, Closures 590w
Independent Insurance 587w
Insolvency Service, Pay 320w
Intellectual Property Advisory Committee 1160w
Mirror Group Newspapers 602w
National Institute of Agricultural Botany 596w
Patents, Dept of Trade and Industry 595w
Sakina Security Services 983w
Supermarkets, Codes of practice 985w
Supermarkets, Farmers 1046w
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Joint strike fighter aircraft
Jones, Helen M
Army Training and Recruiting Agency, Standards 137w
Day care, Warrington 409w
Planning permission, Birchwood Park 1320w
Pre-school education, Warrington 408-9w
Social security benefits, Abuse 413w
Strokes, Health services 72w
Voluntary organisations, Finance 341-2w
Yugoslavia, Sanctions 425w
Jones, Mr Jon Owen
Debates etc.
Legalisation of Cannabis Bill, 1R (18.07.01) 307
Select committees (16.07.01) 54
Terrorism (04.10.01) 698, (08.10.01) 827
Foot and mouth disease, Cumbria 1304
Foot and mouth disease, Public footpaths 393-4w
Jones, Mr Kevan
Debates etc.
Rochester, Christopher (18.10.01) 1353-6
Jones, Dr Lynne
Debates etc.
Select committees (16.07.01) 37-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Housing, Birmingham (17.07.01) 53-8wh
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 819-20w
Council housing, Standards 287
Defence Diversification Agency, Manpower 330-1w
Hospitals, Capital investment 1119w
Jobcentre Plus, Disabled 701-2w
Jobcentres, Computer terminals 702-3w
Mental health services, Finance 70w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 1097w
Social security benefits, Interviews 64w
Jones, Mr Martyn David
Ballistic missile defence, Iraq 330w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 617-8w
Foot and mouth disease, Gun sports 1105w
Higher education, Wales 1253w
Prescriptions, Fees and charges 722-3w
Security Industry Authority 280w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 257w
Jones, Mr Nigel
Air pollution, Gloucestershire 621-3w
Botswana, Foreign relations 259w
Botswana, Overseas aid 307w
General Agreement on Trade in Services 588-9w
Schools, Per capita costs 758w
Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport
Aviation, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1144w
BBC, Digital broadcasting 55w, 739w
Bletchley Park Trust 740w
British Museum, Manpower 76-7w
Community centres, Farnham 740w
Correspondence, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 813w
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism 189w
Freedom of expression, Hyde Park 1143w
Gambling Review Body 80-1w
Green Ministers Committee, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 187w
Independent Football Commission, Public appointments 751w
Information technology, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 80w
London Underground, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 56w
Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 746w
Millennium Commission, Finance 52-3w
Millennium Exhibition 52w
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester 56w
Museums and galleries, Finance 75w
National Lottery, Film 740w
National Lottery, Millennium capital projects 52w
National Lottery, Rugby 53w
Office of Communications, Public appointments 317w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 741w
Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1224w
Recess, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 741-2w
Regional arts boards, West Midlands 188w
Television, Disability aids 807w
Joyce, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
Terrorism (04.10.01) 795-7
European Convention on Human Rights, Planning 154w
Television, Licensing 153w
Transport, Investment 359w